April 2024 Reading Wrap-Up

In April, I wanted to read books based on reading projects/experiments I had plans for. I was able to complete a cozy reading project. I just need to write it up. I also wanted to read anticipated books and I got to 2 of those books. Even though I didn't read quite as much as I had expected I had some wins.

I didn't love that I read Stargirl and its sequel because of a Goodreads challenge. I think the team challenge I was a part of in April messed with my reading flow. I hope to not make that mistake again in May. I also didn't read any picture books or early readers in April I believe because of that pressure to read a certain book for a challenge. I need to avoid that especially since I am doing the Ecape the Readathon and another team-based reading challenge on Goodreads.

IN April I READ...

2,393 pages

3 Contemporary

3 Mystery

1 Fantasy

2 physical books

5 audiobooks

7 total books


My average rating this month was 4.18. That number is most likely due to rereads and two fantastic reads. My favorite books were The Rise of Kyoshi and Royal Scandal. My least favorite was Stargirl and Love, Stargirl. I don't change my ratings after rereads very often so the star rating on Goodreads doesn't show it but Leo annoyed the heck out of me. And then Stargirl's obsession with him in her book. 

I need to start keeping my reading goals on a sticky note by my computer because I wasn't focused on reading in the morning or commenting on other readers' blogs. I will see how it goes in May.

What was your favorite book you read in April?


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