May TBR List // Pacific Island Mythology, New Releases, and a Cozy Fantasy

I've switched up my reading plan this month. I am focusing more on either new book releases or what I am highly anticipating right now. I plan to return my focus on reading experiments/projects in June. First up, I want to finish the Kyoshi sequel and then move on to my ARC of Clairboyance. I really have to have a higher turnover for my ARCs so I am more likely to get the majority of books I ask for. 

I am participating in Escape the Readathon this May. I will be of course on the Snack Squad! I can't really plan for it too much because it depends on what building we are trying to escape from but I have a good mix of books for each prompt on my list. You can learn more about the readathon here.

What do you want to read in May?


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