July 2024 Reading Wrap-Up

In July, I was part of The Little Cafe Readathon. This was the most uninvolved I was in a readathon this year, so I didn't do any of the mini-challenges for points. I just read and submitted points for the main reading prompts for Team Pineapple. I'll know how my team did tomorrow. I read 12 books which is good but I had a few days in a row where I just didn't want to read. I gave myself a challenge to get out of that rut and then promptly got into another for the second time that month. I was able to get to two ARCs and some mood reads that I ended up loving. I am feeling ambitious. I want to read about 20+ books in August with the help of some challenges I'm setting out for myself so wish me luck!

I am slowly working my way up to post more each month. I got to 6 posts when the month before was 5 and the month before that was 4. Progress!


3,594 pages

5 Fantasy

2 Romance

2 Sport Fiction

3 Contemporary

1 Historical

1 Horror

1 Verse

3 physical books

6 audiobooks 

3 ebooks

12 total books


My average rating this month was 4.06. My favorite book was The Tenfold Tenants which is the exact type of cozy fantasy I am looking for and A Time to Dance which made me cry with its brilliance. My least favorite was The Spindle of Fate. It didn't match what I thought it would be. Not enough action.

What was your favorite book you read in July?


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