June 2024 Reading Wrap-Up

In June, I competed in The Amazing Readathon. My team, Fantasy, got fourth place! I doubt I'll ever be on a winning team lol. I read 15 books. Much less than last month but still a lot more than usual. I had to read for certain prompts before reading for bonuses, which hindered my reading because I got behind so much. It was frustrating so I doubt I participate in it next year. 

My blogging was the same as last month. I have a few posts I am starting to write so let's see if that'll change. 

IN June I READ...

4,321 pages

7 Fantasy

4 Romance

3 Sport Fiction

3 Contemporary

2 Mystery

8 physical books

6 audiobooks 

1 ebook

15 total books


My average rating this month was 3.87. My favorite book was A Rival Most Vial. It was the perfect mix of fantasy and romance. My least favorite was The Knight Captain is the New Princess-to-Be. It made absolutely no sense. I've never read a manga with so little structure and that was that cringe.

What was your favorite book you read in June?


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