August TBR List // Magical Schools, Stray Spirits, and a Pumpkin Princess

My goal this month is to finish all my scavenger hunt books, catch up with my ARCs, and read Indie Fantasy books. 

I am way behind on my scavenger books. I've read 2 out of 7 and still haven't reviewed any of them. 

I wanted to read 12 ARCs this year and I've read 5. I can easily catch up if I set my mind to it. The two middle-grade books on this list are my ARCs. I think they are both going to be wonderful. One of them is perfect for spooky season and the other is a school of magical kids - what's not to like!

Lastly, I've read a few indie books lately and I think I've found a new area of reading I would enjoy. I'm into cozy fantasy so I want to lean into those books and give other indie books a shot. With SPFBOX going on, I am going to take a lot of my recommendations from the books being read for the contest.

I'm really hoping to focus on getting ahead with posts this month too so wish me luck!

What do you want to read in August?


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