June TBR List // Rival Shopkeepers, Nosy Neighbors, and a Magical Motorcycle

After giving all my time to Escape the Readathon last month, it's time for me to focus on reading projects! I'm working on my summer scavenger hunt, reading randomly from my TBR, ARCs, a new book club, and best of all themed blog posts. I read 28 books last month (lots of graphic novels and manga) and it drained me at times. I'm ready to read voraciously again but within reason. 

I decided to be on the Fantasy Team 🐲 for The Amazing Readathon but I am doing everything lowkey. I will only open up the discord when I've finished a book instead of checking it every day. I have a feeling I'll read a lot but I'm not going to be so frantic about it this month. You can learn more about the readathon here.

Are you joining The Amazing Readathon this month?
