Bookish Scavenger Hunt - Summer Edition 2024

I've been feeling more and more like doing another scavenger hunt. Summer is my favorite time of the year so why not?

I got so many books read and even found a new favorite with my fall scavenger hunt last year. I am hoping to repeat the process this season.

I went with mostly prompts that are as broad as possible. 

Reading a book by the pool or the beach could be a partial part of the book read during that time. If you spend time by a lake every summer, go with that. 

The life of the party to me means a popular read. 

A book you would recommend to everyone basically means you are looking for a five-star read that you would highly recommend.

I see horror lovers being able to read all horror or thriller books and the same goes for romance lovers. I have yet to plan a read for each prompt. I'm going to go with my mood throughout the summer.

I'll be posting about my progress throughout the season. Here are the prompts I'll be reading from:
  • Read a book with a character or an item on the cover you consider to be sweet
  • Read a book by the pool or the beach
  • Read an action-packed read
  • Read a book centered around a vacation
  • Read a book that's the life of a party
  • Read a book that feels nostalgic
  • Read a book you would recommend to everyone

I also made a scorecard-type thing down below so I can update it every time I complete a book. Feel free to join along if you'd like.

Wish me luck!
