March + April Reading Wrap-Up

If you saw my quarterly wrap up you'll know that I had only read 15 books in 3 months. Now I'm at 27 books read for the year. I have yet to completely switch my goals but decided I wanted to read 100 children's books to become a better recommender at my library. Since it was the first month of me doing that in April, children's books took over but I plan on balancing it out better as the months go on. For every three kids' books, I have a YA or Adult book planned. 

Here is how March went without the new goal:

IN March I READ...

1,492 pages

5 Fantasy

1 Horror

3 audiobooks

1 physical book

1 ebook


A Disney Princess Controls My Life - 1 out of 4 total books

Horror Genre Focus - N/A (adult)

Mystery Genre Focus - N/A  (adult)

Middle Grade Genre Focus - 2 out of 5 total books

Side Quest Adult Romance - N/A

Foodies Read Challenge - N/A

Around the World - N/A


My average rating this month was 4.3. My favorite book was Bravely. My least favorite was technically Redfall with a 3.5-star rating.

March was rough as far as work was. I had a week of vacation that was relaxing and then almost instantly I got back into stress. It is what it is. 

Here's what I read in April:


3,021 pages

5 Fantasy

3 Realistic Fiction

2 Mysteries

1 Fantasy Romance

1 Science Fiction

3 audiobooks

11 physical books

1 ebook


A Disney Princess Controls My Life - 3 out of 7 total books

Horror Genre Focus - N/A (adult)

Mystery Genre Focus - 1 out of 3 total books  (adult)

Middle Grade Genre Focus - 4 out of 9 total books

Side Quest Adult Romance - N/A (no contemporary)

Foodies Read Challenge - N/A

Around the World - N/A


My average rating was 3.63 stars which is lower than usual but I'm reading mostly kids' books so that makes sense. My favorite book this month was New Kids & Underdogs followed closely by Brave Like That. My least favorite books were Steve L. McEvil and Dragonbreath just for all the boy humor.

I did in fact reread Pestilence which is basically the silliest concept ever and not the best romance but it's just a good time. Otherwise, my decision to read 100 children's books took over. I have now read 13 children's books this year. I am planning to continue that upward trend but also mix some adult books in. I don't know how things are going to work out because I am making a lot of crafts for Summer Reading. Wish me luck!

How has your reading been going?
Are you achieving your goals or do you need to reassess?


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