20+ Middle Grade Books Coming Out This Summer

Summer is my favorite time of the year so I've excitedly put together some Summer middle-grade releases. I've paired down my list this season like I had planned to since I eventually want to read all of the books I have listed below. I'm looking forward to some sequels, including Darkne…

May 2024 Reading Wrap-Up

In May, I committed myself to Escape the Readathon. My team, Snack Squad, got third place but we were very close to second place. I read 28 books mainly through graphic novels, manga, and audiobooks. Reading for that readathon relit a fire in me that somehow is still going. I wouldn't be surpri…

Clairboyance by Kristiana Kahakauwila

After accidentally wishing on a family heirloom to hear what boys are thinking, Clara wakes up the next day able to do just that. Every idea, every worry, every generous or petty thought crossing their minds—somehow, they now form a chorus of voices in hers.But why couldn’t her newfound powers have…

June TBR List // Rival Shopkeepers, Nosy Neighbors, and a Magical Motorcycle

After giving all my time to Escape the Readathon last month, it's time for me to focus on reading projects! I'm working on my summer scavenger hunt, reading randomly from my TBR, ARCs, a new book club, and best of all themed blog posts. I read 28 books last month (lots of graphic novels and…

Bookish Scavenger Hunt - Summer Edition 2024

I've been feeling more and more like doing another scavenger hunt. Summer is my favorite time of the year so why not?
I got so many books read and even found a new favorite with my fall scavenger hunt last year. I am hoping to repeat the process this season.
I went with mostly prompts that are as…