My goal this year is to mood-read more. No pressure reading. I have a list of 2024 books I want to read and I want to pick from those throughout the year. So I was pretty psyched for the new year to begin and ended up reading 17 books! I am going to slow things down in February but so far I am feeling good about my reading year except for the Shatter Me series. It's not that good...
I participated in two readathons. Bout of Books (I read five books in a week) and Once Upon a Readathon (My team, Frost Bears, got third out of four and I read thirteen books for that challenge). I'm not participating in any readathons this month in order for me to get excited for Realmathon in March. It's going to be amazing!

IN January I READ...
4,797 pages
4 contemporary
5 sci-fi
4 Fantasy
2 Mystery
1 Nonfiction
1 Horror
1 graphic novel
13 physical books
3 audiobooks
1 ebook
My average rating this month was 3.68. My favorite book was Brick Dust and Bones. My least favorite was The Mystery of the Lost Library Book with a 2.75-star rating. It's an early reader so that's not a surprise. Although Defy Me was close to getting the least favorite status.
I am starting to get back to my old habits of planning to read too many books and as a result, getting overwhelmed. I was obsessed with reading last month but I want to chill out in February. I've already read one amazing book. There are about seven others on my radar this month. I'm going to move on if I'm not interested and I will not get sucked into another subpar series!
How'd your reading go in January?
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