12 Days of Books Read-a-thon | TBR + Updates

The 12 Days of Books Read-a-thon is a 12 day reading challenge from December 13th - December 24th @ She's Got Books On Her Mind

It's almost time for the 12 Days of Books Read-a-thon! It looks like I'm the only one participating in my December challenge but it's cool. Maybe next year someone will join. I know I'm being premature, maybe someone does join. No matter what I'm excited to read a bunch of books for this challenge to end the year off right.

The goals are to read every day for twelve days straight and to read books with a theme just like my Pick-a-Theme Challenge. I'm going with a safe one this year which is reading my end of the year books. I've had this list of books I want to read by the end of the year since November. I've read four of those books: Born Wicked, Star Cursed, Sisters' Fate, and the Beautiful Lost. I still have seven books on my list. As this challenge is from the 13th to the 24th I'll just show you the books I'm planning to read on those days. The other books on the list will be revealed through reviews in December and a special one will be reviewed in January. It'll make sense on January 1st.

I'll be keeping my reading updates here on this post. I'll be tweeting my updates on twitter as well as using #12daysofbooksreadathon. You can follow along here or @BooksOnHerMind if you would like. 

I've read all of Morgan Matson's books except Save the Date (which I just realized now). I've liked all her books, I had some qualms with Second Chance Summer, but I've loved Since You've Been Gone and Unexpected Everything. I enjoy movies set around weddings so I'm sure to love a book about the same thing. I fell in love with Unexpected Everything in particular so I'm hopeful this'll be fantastic too.

*Mini challenge: love (where there's romance there's sure to be love) and family (set surrounding a family member's wedding).

I got an e-mail saying I could download Murder at the Mill from NetGalley automatically. I looked into it and it sounded like a Christmas Clue book and I'm here for it. I think the only Christmas book I've read is A Christmas Carol so this will be my second Christmas read which is such a shame but also a way to trick myself into reading more Christmas books in the future.

*Mini challenge: Something red (the house), published during winter (being republished this December), and a book with spirits (wine).

I was supposed to read The Secrets We Bury and This Heart of Mine at the beginning of the year. These long overdue ARCs are getting read whether they like it or not! Both of them are also very much in my wheel house. 

The Secrets We Bury is about a boy running away to the woods, I think it's a famous hiking path, and the reason he's running away is because his parents want to put him in a home for psychologically challenged students. There's also possibility for a romance. So there is romance, nature, and mental health in this story - three things I love reading about. I enjoyed Stacie Ramey's The Homecoming as well so I'm sure to like this one too. 

*Mini challenge: love and lesson (the way the book is described I'm sure the MC is going to have to face some hard truths).

This Heart of Mine is another perfect read for me. The MC is receiving a new heart while the brother's who heart it belongs to is trying to figure out how his brother died, refusing to believe his brother committed suicide. Emotional reads are what I live for so I have high hopes for This Heart of Mine.

*Mini challenge: love and something red on the cover (the heart).

December 13th: 9:10 p.m.

Currently Reading: To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
Pages Read: 169
Total Books Read: 1

Thoughts: I finished reading To Kill a Kingdom! I thought I was only going to get 50 pages done today but I finished it. That makes it so much easier for me to get to my other books actually planned for the readathon. But before that I'm reading a huge book called The Search for Wondla. 

To Kill a Kingdom had some iffy moments however overall I grew to love the characters. I'll explain myself better with a review in the future. The concept is pretty much a brilliant way to retell Ariel's story.

December 14th: 10:38 p.m.

Currently Reading: The Search for Wondla by Tony DiTerlizzi
Pages Read: 107
Total Pages Read: 276
Total Books Read: 1

Thoughts: I'm flying through this book. I'm done with part 1 out of 4. I find it very interesting although I worry I will get bored since the main character Eva keeps on saying how she can't do anything and she's going to die. She did prove herself to be strong though. She was told that she is special. That there is no one like her. I don't think she has a super power. Maybe she's the "chosen" one or maybe she's a clone? Her last name is nine.

December 15th: 8:40 p.m.

Currently Reading: The Search for Wondla by Tony DiTerlizzi
Pages Read: 122
Total Pages Read: 398
Total Books Read: 1

Thoughts: Ugh! I'm getting bored. I don't like the main character at all. She's a bit bratty and I know she is written like a twelve year old but not like a Harry Potter twelve year old. I'm going to try to finish this tomorrow and move on. 

December 16th: 8:44 a.m.

Currently Reading: The Search for Wondla by Tony DiTerlizzi
Pages Read: 237
Total Pages Read: 635
Total Books Read: 2

Thoughts: Part 3 I was struggling to get int the story again. Part 4 ended off right and although I was intrigued by how the sequel was being set up I didn't enjoy it enough to continue the series in the future. Now on to my actual TBR for the readathon.

December 17th: 11:50 p.m.

Currently Reading: Save the Date by Morgan Matson
Pages Read:
Total Pages Read: 639
Total Books Read: 2

Thoughts: I'm not feeling well so I got a coupe of pages in before going to sleep. So far the guy the MC likes is too much of a charmer. I can't wait until the new guy shows up.

December 18th: 11:54 p.m.

Currently Reading: Save the Date by Morgan Matson
Pages Read: 15
Total Pages Read: 654
Total Books Read: 2

Thoughts: I know I'm trash! I finished the first chapter at least... I'm was so relieved by the end of it. I know I could read this book in a day if I had the time but again with feelings badly most of the day and working on top of that I wasn't going to get far. I hope to read at least 50 pages tomorrow and finish it on Thursday. I know I need to hurry up!

December 19th: 11:55 p.m.

Currently Reading: Save the Date by Morgan Matson
Pages Read: 15 
Total Pages Read: 669
Total Books Read: 2

Thoughts: I thought I would get more done but then I got sucked into Terrace House when I got home from work. I'll have to work overtime to finish the book tomorrow. I do really love the story so far even though I'm only like in the second or third chapter. It reminds me of a combination of Father of the Bride and Cheaper by the Dozen.

December 20th: 6:00 p.m.

Currently Reading: Save the Date by Morgan Matson
Pages Read: 383
Total Pages Read: 1,052
Total Books Read: 3

Thoughts: Wow, I am surprised to say this was just okay because I really enjoyed the concept. I love stories with families and a book set around a wedding seemed fun. There was also some family drama but mostly I felt it was predictable. I'm pretty disappointed because I know Matson can do better. And why would anyone put this as a romance? It wasn't a romance.

December 21st: 11:59 p.m.

Currently Reading: The Secrets We Bury by Stacie Ramey
Pages Read: 48
Total Pages Read: 1,100
Total Books Read: 3

Thoughts: I'm really into the story thankfully. I do worry the main character is going to be angsty and that it will be a bit predictable as I can already tell something happened to his father. Will find out if I'm right soon enough. I might continue this into the night or at least tomorrow night. 

December 22nd: 11:30 p.m.

Currently Reading: The Secrets We Bury by Stacie Ramey
Pages Read: 272
Total Pages Read: 1,372
Total Books Read: 4

Thoughts: What on earth was that? This is another author, back to back, who I've liked their work before but then I read their newer work and it just ain't good. It felt like I was reading a book from the perspective of a fourteen year old when the main character is supposed to be seventeen. It was so poorly written that I'm shocked. 

December 23rd: 11:20 p.m.

Currently Reading: This Heart of Mine by C.C. Hunter
Pages Read: 384
Total Pages Read: 1,756
Total Books Read: 5

Thoughts: What is going on? This is the fourth book in a row I have not liked. I know this book was personal to the author and there were times I felt touched but it just wasn't very good. The added thing with seeing memories of how the boy died who the main character got her heart from was so unnecessary. And why is this girl constantly talking about her breasts? The two characters are drawn to each other since the beginning and they are confused by it... Then, there is the whole she has changed into this New Leah which at times I could relate to but other times it could be annoying. The Leah thing being a reader was also played off too much. Just why?

December 25th: 2:20 a.m.

Currently Reading: Counting to Perfect by Suzanne LaFleur
Pages Read: 51
Total Pages Read: 1,807
Total Books Read: 5

Thoughts: I didn't get to the two books I was planning to finish off reading. I might end up reading them today so I can get some posts up about my overall reading this year. But the challenge is over and I've read five books (one more than planned) and more than 1,800 pages which I didn't expect. I'm pretty happy that I was so consistent throughout this challenge. It really helped me with my reading.

What books are you planning to read by the end of the year?
Do you have ARCs you haven't gotten to this year?


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