The Fairy-Tale Detectives by Michael Buckley

Sabrina and Daphne Grimm have only had each other for a year and a half while they battled crazy, dangerous, and forgetful foster families. It all started when their parents, Henry and Veronica Grimm, disappeared. There was no sign of them. All that was left was a red hand print in their apartment.

Now going to Ferryport Landing Sabrina and Daphne are about to discover the worse foster parent of all because this one actually claims to be their grandmother when their father said she was dead and even stranger of all she actually admits to being crazy! Well she admits that she believes that fairy tales are true, that all Everafters (that's what fairy tale creatures like to call themselves) cannot leave Ferryport Landing as long as there is a Grimm is there, and that they are actually related. Sabrina knows better but her more than gullible sister Daphne is eagerly going with the story. But Sabrina is not going to believe her foster families web of lies. She's getting out of there and she'll do it at any costs.

As I explained before this series is the best when it comes to fairy tales. I mean there are actual fairy tale characters in here! Snow White is a Kindergarten teacher because she's good with little people. Her being that is just complete genius. Sabrina is a bit of a pain in the beginning because she refuses to believe any of what granny Relda says and honestly if it was me I wouldn't care. If it was real yay! If it wasn't who cares? She isn't harming anyone. You see the beginnings of her sneaky side. She hatches plans pretty easily. She is essentially the leader and you'll see more of that later. Daphne on the other hand is irresistible. She does this thing where she puts her palm in her mouth because she is so overly excited about something. She also is an eater just like Puck who is a fairy from A Midsummer's Night Dream. Puck is disgusting and rude and always butting heads with Sabrina. He just makes me so happy. 

In every book there is a mystery to solve and by looking at the cover you know it's about a giant. You meet a very important character in here which is the Mayor Prince Charming who is seen as a snotty and evil guy unlike what we are told in our fairy tale stories. He's also been with a lot of women... He is a big part of the series and even though he isn't one of the main characters treat him as one because he is very important. He and a lot but not all Everafters have a grudge against the Grimm family because they are stuck their because of them. The original Brothers Grimm like the book are the Sisters Grimm ancestors. Wilhelm went to Baba Yaga to cast a spell to keep all the fairy tale creatures there because they were feuding with the humans. Magic always has a price (important) so that's why a Grimm always has to stay in Ferryport Landing. 

I'll have more on this book and the rest of the series this week. This series is truly worth the read. Just a lot of excitement at points with twists and shock mixed in. There are a couple of times where you really can't believe what just happened. And Buckley does fill our hearts with a love interest. I wonder if you guys guessed it already. So Happy Reading! And have a Very Grimm Week!


  1. I have only read the first one in the series so far- but I just got the second one to read. I think the way the fairy tales are connected is genius.Michael Buckley has a great style of writing. I can't wait to hear what else you have to say about the series. I love that you said Puck makes you so happy. :)


    1. He and the illustrator Peter Furguson ARE genius. Since you have only read the first book you only know a little about Puck and the way he is but he gets so much better! Hope you enjoy the next review and the review of the second book (:

      Have A Very Grimm Week!


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