Fall Scavenger Hunt // Boneset & Feathers

I'm back with my second scanger hunt pick. This time I went with fall colors on the cover. It has been the most difficult one for me to decide what to read (other than Haunted House which I regret adding as a prompt) because on my tbr it was either Boneset & Feathers or The Jasmine Throne. I'm not about to read a 500+ page high fantasy book so after looking up lists online and not finding anything I finally settled on the witchy read. I bought it years ago but needed to be in a better mood/intimidated by the slow nature of the writing. I am so glad this scavenger hunt challenge pushed me to read it because I could not put it down. When I was done all I could think was, "Damn" for a few minutes. I needed a break from reading for some time because it was just that good. 

You don't know their fire is coming until it's too late. That's exactly the way the witchfinders like it. As an isolated enchantress, Odette knows this too well--she lost nearly her whole family to the last round of executions, barely escaping with her own life. All the magic she could conjure wasn't enough to protect her mother and sister, a burden that leaves a despondent Odette practically wishing she'd burned with the rest.

Now it's five years later, and as the last witch left from her village, Odette has exiled herself to the nearby woods where she's sworn off all magic, hoping instead for quiet and for safety. But no witch has ever been permitted a peaceful life.

It starts with crows tumbling out of the clouds and spectral voices on the wind that won't leave her alone. Then there are those midnight visits to the graveyard that she can't quite remember in the morning and the strange children following her everywhere she goes. Odette wants to forget magic, but her magic doesn't want to forget her. Meanwhile, the former friends she left behind in the village are cowering together, hiding from the ghostly birds they believe she's sent to torment them for abandoning her. But that's only the beginning of their problems, as Odette soon discovers their worst nightmare is about to come true--the witchfinders are returning. And this time, the decree is clear: to burn the witch that got away.

With the men drawing nearer to the village, Odette must face the whispers from the dead and confront her fear of her own growing power if she wants any chance of stopping the army of witchfinders determined to rid the countryside of magic once and for all.
It's always difficult to review a book you loved. I was at a loss for words except one, "Damn" when I finished Boneset & Feathers. I had just finished a middle-grade horror with a grief element so I think having read this right after made me feel more contemplative than I was ready for.

This was unputdownable. It's a slow-paced read set in a world of witches and witch hunters. This book is brilliant. The characterization of Odette, the writing, the world; absolutely everything was amazing. I will think about this book for years and years to come. I can't articulate how much I want everyone to read it especially since there are less than 200 ratings on Goodreads right now and that is a shame. I feel like a fool for not reading it years ago. If the synopsis interests you just do yourself a favor and read it. I wish I could say more but my words are failing me. This book is fantastic and way too underrated. Go read it!


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