#FitReaders Check-In: February 3rd, 2023

So January was a slow start... I met a few of my goals so I'm going to think positively. I'm going to push myself in some areas and be realistic in others.

January Fitness

Here were my goals for January and how I did:

  • Squat 100 lbs ✅
  • Drink 36 oz of water a day (5/31 days)
  • Cook two meals (2/2) ✅
  • Bench Press 30 lbs ✅
  • Lift at least 5 days (4/5 days)
  • Exercise a total of 15 days (8/15 days)
  • Walk 6,000 steps a day (23/31 days) 

I am very happy I got to squat 100 lbs. That's unbelievable if I think about how I was squatting only 25 lbs when I started last April. I do think I need to work on technique and generally lift more. I need to focus on exercising at home as well. 

My cooking level is a decent start but I need to do a lot more in February thanks to a challenge I am setting for myself. I'm going to give myself a conservative amount but expect more.

The whole water situation isn't great. I need to lower the bar and be consistent.

I am going to up my step goal but I want to do better than 23 days. I expected to easily have 28 days of this goal reached.

February Goals

  • Improve squat form (Less weight, more depth, widen stance while squatting)
  • Squat 105 lbs
  • Drink 24 oz of water
  • Cook 5 meals
  • Lift at least 5 days
  • Exercise a total of 12 days
  • Walk 6,500 steps a day

Another side goal of mine is to post in two weeks. I think every two weeks will give me a kick in the pants to be consistent. Maybe in the future I'll post once a week, but we'll see. 

How did the first month of your fitness goals treat you?


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