Series I Want to Get to in 2021

Image by Jonathan Borba

I have a reading challenge goal to read at least 4 series. I would love to finish all of the series below but if I at least continue on that would be good too. All the series I want to read are older series, most of which I started a while ago but never finished. All these years later I want to still read them so that's a good sign. Here are all the series I would like to get to next year:

I've read the first book in this series twice now. I need to continue this series already. I love Tamora Pierce's writing and the world she has built. This is the type of YA Fantasy I wish was still being written. It feels timeless.

I love His Fair Assassin's concept and world. It centers around teenage assassins. I thought Grave Mercy could have a little less romance but I am looking forward to continuing on with the series especially since Dark Triumph such a violent main character.

I read Eyes Like Stars such a long time ago but I still remember enjoying it. I think it's because it's a retelling of Midsummer's Night Dream and retellings are my jam. This might be a mistake to read this series but since I have fond memories of it, I have to finally give it a chance.

Daughter of Smoke & Bone had such beautiful writing when I first read it years ago. I loved the book so I find it odd I never finished the series. This should be a great series to get back into. 

I've had this series on my TBR forever now. I reread the first book last year so I have it still fresh in my memory. I stopped reading the series because of the second book's ending because it freaked me out. But it's time to brave it so I can finish this series already!

The Skinjacker series is another one that I read the first two books and stopped. I vaguely remember some of the first book like the introduction of the story but that's it. I have this distinctively as a series I was enjoying as well as an author I really loved as a teenager so it's time to restart this series.

The one series I have never started on this list is The Lord of the Rings duh, duh, duh... This is such an intimidating series that I just have not started it because of that fact. I hear it's slow and descriptive. I'm at a point in my life that that sounds good to me. I loved watching the movies in theatres when I was a kid so I know the story. I also have fond memories of the characters so why not put this series out there as one I want to read?

Goodreads may not know I've read all of the Chronicles of Narnia but I have. I've been wanting to reread this series for months now. Maybe this time around I will understand The Magician's Nephew since I read it first last time. I'm hoping for a feel-good time rereading this series.

Are there any series you want to get to next year?


  1. I have such a bad habit of starting series and not finishing them! Good luck with these series!

    1. I'm also terrible at doing that. Thanks! I'm going to need that luck :D

  2. I really loved the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy!


    1. I loved the first book so I'm sure I'll love the rest!


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