January & BookQuest TBR

Image by Toa Heftiba

I'm really excited for a new reading year! I think I mentioned it briefly on a previous blog post but I do plan to go for 175 books read this year. Right now I'm not rushing it. I don't want to rush anything but I think that goal will get me to want to pick up more books. I don't know if I'll reach my goal but I'll try my best. I feel so organized in what I want to read but I would happily pick out random books to add to my list. I am focusing on mostly books from my goals list so far in this tbr. I was luckily able to find a readathon called the BookQuest thanks to Dyslexic Muggle who listed a bunch of readathons for January. BookQuest Vol. 1 is a readathon where you go on reading quests. You can be Team Mages of the Guild or Team Knights of the Kingdom. I'm obviously going for the knights because knights are better than mages. Below is the list of quests and what you have to read to complete them:

Since the challenge is twenty days long I think I'll be easily able to complete each quest. I can double up on challenges (reading one book for multiple challenges) but I'm going to try to read one book per quest. I don't know about reading the group book because I wasn't planning on reading The Guinevere Deception. I'll put it on my tbr list for now but I may change it since I can read something with a similar theme as well. Here are some options for books I want to read for BookQuest:

Pick Out a Weapon
Read a book with a weapon on the cover.

I read Redwall when I was in elementary. I remember reading a few of the first book in the series and loving them. I reread the first book in 2017 and gave it an abysmal two star rating. I know I was reading in a rush. I don't think I gave it a fair chance so I want to give it a chance. 

I received Scythe for Christmas. I used to love Neal Shusterman and everybody seems to love this series so this is a possibility as well.

Meet with the King
Read a book about royalty.

The Princess Curse is a book I want to read off my list of backlisted books. I backlisted it back in 2012 so it's time I get to it. It's a retelling of the twelve dancing princesses.

Lifestyles of Gods & Monsters is a book from my backlisted ARC's list. I'm a little more excited about this one since I think it's such a unique retelling.

Get Fitted for Armor
Read a hardcover book.

I chose only one option because 10 Blind Dates is the book I plan to read as my first book of the year. I know it's a Christmas book but it seems like it would be an instantly likable book and that's what I'm looking for in my first read.

Visit with the Stablemaster
Read a book with an animal companion.

I saw this book earlier at the library and think it's fate. I didn't know what to pick for this one but I think Charlotte's Web is perfect. It's a backlisted book and classic as well so it works for two of my reading goals this year.

Defeat Your Sparring Partner
Read a book with a rivalry.

This might be a stretch but the enemies to lovers trope still has a rivalry before the romance begins. Also, with Serpent & Dove witches and witch hunters in general are rivals.

Sign Up for the Joust
Read a book with a competition in it.

I lied. I might double up on this challenge since I realized this is the perfect book for this challenge. However, I want to read both books in the Meet with the King category so I can still read a book each for both quests.

Study the Code of Chivalry
Read the Group Book (or something similar)

I wasn't planning on reading The Guinevere Deception but I would like to read it eventually. Another option I have which I am dying to read is A Little Hatred. It has magic and a war between kingdoms so it fits the bill.

I also wanted to show off some books I want to get to that weren't related to the BookQuest readathon. There are some that I'm keeping secret for now, but here are a couple of more books I want to read in January:

Made Things is something I discovered on the Tor website for new releases. I thought the cover looked very interesting and so did the summary. It's a sci-fi too and a good way to start my exploring sci-fi goal. Faker is a backlisted ARC I want to get to already. It's such a cute romance concept too. It is not rated too well on Goodreads though which makes me even more curious.

What books do you want to read in January?
Are you joining any readathons?


  1. These prompts are fun! I definitely want to read Scythe soon.

    1. Yes, I love RPG games so this readathon felt like it was made for me. You reminded me that I need to hurry up. I only have five more days left! I'm looking forward to Scythe too. It is really hyped up so it's stopping me from starting. Too popular books always do that for me.

  2. What a fun readathon idea. I'd love to do one in the future, but January is already pretty packed for me on books I need to read. I loved Scythe, so I totally recommend that one. I need to read the last two this year.


    1. Yay! Everyone seems to love Scythe. I just think I need to start and I'll be immersed. I used to love reading Neal Shusterman as a teen. He was one of my favorite authors.


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