#FitReaders: October 2nd, 2015


I haven't updated for #FitReaders in the longest time so I'm finally going to now.

I haven't run in awhile and I don't really plan to. I do plan on tracking my steps from now on and get back to tracking my water intake.

I've been working out three times a week (mostly) and I feel great. I can feel a difference in my strength level which I wasn't able to see as much on my own with my workout videos. I'm learning a lot from my cousin so I'm really happy about that. My arms actually have some muscle in them which is truly amazing.

Regular Workout Schedule:

Day #1: Chest and Triceps
Day #2: Backs and Biceps
Day #3: Legs (I didn't get to do this, this week, but I plan on doing squats today so I get something done)

Weekly Steps:

Friday, September 25th: 5,276
Saturday, September 26th: 5,621
Sunday, September 27th: 3,676
Monday, September 28th: 3,828
Tuesday, September 29th: 1,716
Wednesday, September 30th: 7,917
Thursday, October 1st: 1,255

Total Steps: 29,259

I'm hardly consistent. I want to really work hard walking more and taking more steps throughout the day. I want to beat my total steps this week.

How did you do this past week?


  1. It looks like you're doing great! I need to try and find other ways to be more active too. My dance class started up again, but it's still only once a week. Fun though!!!


    1. I'm such a bad dancer. If it's Zumba I probably would just embarrass myself haha. Have fun!

  2. So glad you've checked in and shared your journey! Every step counts. I look forward to seeing you more this fall!!

  3. As long as you're doing something active it counts. Walking is great! Confession, I haven't checked in for FitReaders in forever, but I'm still very much active. I just forget to check in. Great job!

    1. That's pretty much the same case with me. I've been pretty lazy with the blog lately.

  4. I haven't worked out in forever. It makes me sad.


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