Wolves, Boys, & Other Things that might Kill Me by Kristen Chandler

First of all I really like the first cover. That's what attracted to me to it. She looks really pale though like a vampire. The second one is pretty good but doesn't really do anything for me. I guess because it doesn't have a wolf in it and the girl...

No. This book doesn't have any werewolves. Sorry. If you didn't have that same thought when you read the title well... yeah. It's just me then. KJ Carson lives near Yellowstone. Her father is a guide there. He is very serious and always brooding. Her mother dies in a car crash when she was little. She was in the car but nothing happened to her. She's the clumsy type of person that is like the girl you don't really know. Well in this really small town they do know a lot about you.

Then comes in Virgil the really good looking guy from Minesooda. His mom is a researcher of Wolves which have been getting some attention now because they are killing off cattle. There are a lot of angry ranchers. She starts something when she and Virgil start to write a little page on their high school newspaper about the Cinderella wolf who's sister has beaten her up, droven away the rest of her family, and might possibly have killed her babies. This of course angers the townsfolk but it just get progressively worse in a series of events. She's trying to work with the wolves but she just feels like she is making it worse. What is a girl to do?

This is a pretty long book. Almost 400 pages but it wasn't bad reading it. The characters were really interesting and the story too. There was a little mystery going on in there too. The father... why do fathers have to be such a pain? I know he wants to make her strong but he just really got under my skin sometimes. He needs to realx a little bit but I do understand. Sort of. He wanted her to leave everything alone which wasn't right. I had a hard time picturing Virgil. I never have imagined a boy with :shaggy: hair. He was nice but I don't know he was not as sweet or maybe it's cute? as he was in the beginning. But Holy Smack! I did really like this book. It was well worth the read.


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