Favorites of 2011:The Books

I'll only put the ones that I feel I can answer so here I go!

Favorite Book Read in 2011
The first question and I can't decide! Well there were a lot of 5 star quality of books I read and I don't really know if I can say this is my favorite but I'll pick Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver of Delirium fame.

This book had me wary of it from the beginning but I can honestly say I fell in love with it. She was difficult in the beginning. Annoying really but I knew of course she would change. She would transform.

Most Powerful Book
The most powerful... I feel I read a lot of deep books but even more entertaining ones. I'll have to say A Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson. I don't know why this book really. I know I could have picked more powerful books. I guess I'm interpreting it in my own way.

I remember watching part of the movie. The ending with my luck. I wrote something about it earlier in the year but not on here. So here it is: I knew what was going to happen but I read this book anyway... I don't know why. I guess to feel something.. that's why we read right? To feel adventure, compassion, and sometimes sadness. This book was amazing. I cried my eyes out, my face is red, and I have a headache but it was worth it. I don't know why but it was worth it. 

Brilliantly Funny
There wasn't really anything brilliantly funny... some were amusing at times but it wasn't that much... I did reread this one book who's main character is hilarious. The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. The whole series is brilliant. And though I didn't meet my marathon challenge it is still awesome and you need to read it.

Best Ache-y, Heart-Breaking, Tear-Jerker Read
As you know Bridge to Terabithia broke my heart but I'll put another one as well in this category because it was so great and heart-breaking at the same time. It's If I Stay by Gayle Forman. The reason being that she had to deal with a lot and decide if she wanted to live or not. It was a pretty painful and yes another powerful book that brought tears to my eyes as well as A Bridge to Terabithia.

I-Had-No-Idea-I-Would-Love-This-So Award
For this book like a couple others this year it started out rocky for me. It had some pretty inappropriate things going on in the beginning. Stuff I didn't want to read about. But I kept going and never looked back. I didn't care anymore that it was so messed up. It was just too fantastic to even dwell on the bad the way and who she grew up to be but on who she was and what she had to go through. I don't know.. It was just amazing. It is I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone by Stephanie Kuehnert.

Most Haunting Story
There are two really Haunting Stories I read Last Night I Sang to the Monster by Benjamin Alire Sáenz but most of all it was Room by Emma Donoghue. Room was just  really dark and creepy. I really don't know why I didn't stop reading it. The situation she was, what she had to deal with, and who she had to become are all the things that made this book a truly haunting one.

Completely Awesome Premise Award
This one goes hands down to Divergent by Veronica Roth. Why? Ummm.. have you read the summary? Have you read the book? I love the twist of this Dystopian book going to factions. Getting to pick which one you are in but of course it has to be the extreme of whatever the faction is called which makes it all the more interesting but most likely I would be dead.

Want To Re-Read Already
I picked this next one because first I can't remember for the life of me most of it because I have really bad memory like that and second of all I do remember it being very moving. It was just one of those books that drew me in and when it let me go I felt I had gained something. It's Hate List by Jennifer Brown.


  1. I love your list! I've only read two of the books on here, but I'm planning on reading the rest. I've been reluctant on buying Before I fall, but if it's your favorite read of the year it's probably good! (: If I Stay seriously had me crying for an hour after I read the first few chapters... So I agree with you on that one too!

  2. What was the second book other than If I Stay?
    Yeah, Before I Fall was fantastic. Her personality gets to you in the beginning but with the whole premise she kind of has to turn out all right.

  3. Oh. I've read The Lightning Thief and Bridge to Terabithia. (:


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