Currently Reading: A Pinch of Magic & The Guest List

It's getting closer to the end of the year so I've been thinking a lot lately about my reading. More than usual. I haven't had the best luck in reading for a few months now and I'm not physically reading as much recently. I'm in this mindset to stop planning for the new year. I love planning and I've created a list already of books I want to read in the new year. Also, a list of books I want to read by the end of the year. I decided to keep those lists around but basically ignore them as concrete plans. I'm focusing on whatever one physical book at a time and whenever I find an interesting audiobook. I've got to stop overwhelming myself. 

I DNF'd a bunch this year including the two books I was halfway through last week so I'm on to some new books.
I got A Pinch of Magic at the bookstore after feeling like I needed something lighthearted to get me into loving my reading. Being a children's librarian now, I don't care if I read mainly children's books anymore. This made me think of Kat, Incorrigible as far as the magic and sister aspect so I bought it. It's enjoyable so far. I'm easily going through it. I didn't read the whole blurb beforehand so I didn't know there was a curse on the family and the middle sister is determined to break it. Apparently, if they leave a certain land they will die by the next sunset. I'm liking the story and characters so I'm having a good time.

I've been reading/mostly listening to The Guest List which is my pick for my mother-daughter book club. We've had a pretty terrible year of terrible books. We only really liked three books. The first one that I picked up in January was fantastic so finally, I pick another good one months and months later. I love multiple POV chapters like this one has. I am about 200 pages in and we still don't know who is dead but I think I've guessed it. I think I've guessed another big plot point and if I'm right I hope the killer gets away with it honestly. This is going really fast and is better than I expected. 

Have you been thinking about 2022 reading plans yet?


  1. I really loved The Guest List! I don't have set reading plans for the new year. I'm always trying to focus more on the books I own though.

    Lauren @

  2. I am glad you are reading two books you are enjoying! Sometimes you just need to read whatever you feel like to get you back in the reading groove. I am reading The Accidental Apprentice (MG book) and Project Hail Mary. Both are great in very different ways! :)

    Happy reading!

  3. I love the cover for A Pinch of Magic.

    Glad this mother daughter book club pick seems better. Maybe 2022 will be a better year for book club reads. :)

    1. I really love the US cover. I always prefer to see the characters so I can imagine them better.

      We've slowed down on the book club reads. I think whenever we start up again it's going to basically mostly mysteries since those have been the most fun to read.


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