Yotsuba&! Vol.1 by Kiyohiko Azuma

Yotsuba&! #1. Yen Press (Sept. 2009) Library
Hello! This is Koiwai Yotsuba, Yotsuba Koiwai...um, YOTSUBA! Yotsuba moved with Daddy to a new house from our old house waaaaaaay over there! And moving's fun 'cos people wave! (Ohhhh!!) And Yotsuba met these nice people next door and made friends to play with (one of 'em acted like one of those bad strangers Daddy told Yotsuba not to go with, but it was okay in the end). I hope we get to play a lot. And eat ice cream! And-and-and...oh yeah! You should come play with Yotsuba too!

I've heard of Yotsuba&! before reading this manga, but the anime version didn't really appeal to me before. Mainly because it just seemed like another anime and one that was just about the everyday life of a little girl. To my surprise this was all it took for me to enjoy Yotsuba&!.

Yotsuba just moved into a new neighborhood with her dad. Yotsuba is a handful to say the least. She wanders off the first five minutes and discovers how to use a swing. She's kind of the weirdest little girl out there. Her adventures are a lot about discovering or rediscovering the world through a curious child's eyes.

In volume one Yotsuba discovers what global warming is (and freaks out), befriends the neighbors, draws (and insults the neighbors art), and gets into other numerous shenanigans.

Yotsuba&! is just a good time. It's kind of like laughing at all the weird things kids say or do. I'd recommend this for anyone looking for something light and uncomplicated with their reading.



What books have you gotten a good laugh from lately?


  1. I do like books that can make me laugh. It would be interesting to see the world through a child's eyes sometimes! lol thanks for sharing. I haven't read much manga, but I am curious.


    1. Mangas can be great. There's a lot of humor and action in them.

  2. I love manga, one of my absolute favorites is Fruits Basket and Attack on Titan :) Although, Fruits Basket is the one that made me laugh out of the two :)

    1. I don't know why but I can't get myself to read Attack on Titan. I think it's going to be too much for me although I like the anime Tokyo Ghoul.

    2. Attack on Titan is no subtle series, it's pretty intense and extremely violent. I recommend it with reservations ;)

  3. Glad to hear you enjoyed this one. I have actually seen this one around, but have not read very much in this genre. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You should try some mangas. They are just like every other book and they kind have some really great plots.


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