The Practice Pet by Anne Scully Illustrated by Robert Scully

Standalone. StoryPanda (September 2013) Publisher

Sammy wants a pet snake, but has to prove he's ready to take on the responsibility by caring for a "practice pet." As you read you can help Sammy show he’s ready for the responsibility of a new pet. 

Sammy asks his dad one day if he can have a pet snake but he's dad answers no. As a compromise he announces that they will go to the toy store the next day to get a practice pet - a toy Sammy will take care of to show that he can be responsible enough for an actual pet. Sammy chooses his practice pet, names him Rex, and goes all over the place having fun with his new pet until something seems off with Rex. So Sammy tries to find a way to get his friend feeling better.

I was slightly worried I wasn't going to like this book as much as I enjoyed Stumble, Trip, Fall by the illustrator but I have to say that Anne Scully did a remarkable job creating a unique story that kept my interest throughout the book. I don't know how I've never heard of such a thing as a practice pet. It's such a simple and great idea for a story and for real life. I can just see kids loving The Practice Pet and later on begging their parents for one of their own. 

Sammy's story was so charming and sweet. Sammy really shows dedication to help his new pet. His story can really show kids the importance of responsibility while being easily absorbed by this fun little adventure and it's wonderful illustrations. I am completely satisfied and happy to be seeing Robert Scully's illustrations once more. I loved all the purple everywhere and how it all seemed to jump at you. It's very bright and dynamic. I'm excited to read more great books by this duo. I'm loving all these Scully books so far and hope to enjoy more in the future.

Overall: Sammy's story was delightful and the illustrations were of course wonderful. 

You may be wondering why the summary says that you can help Sammy show he's ready to take on the responsibility of a new pet, well with StoryPanda this is an interactive book. There are different animations and sounds that come with The Practice Pet. You can create your own story with Sammy and Rex by having them go on different adventures as well as having them say what you want them to and then you get to share it with your friends and family on the web. StoryPanda does a lot of interactive books which are all pretty cool. It could be something fun for kids to do and I'm sure they'll enjoy reading more because they are able to interact with the books story. It's just another way to get kids to love reading! You can find the book app here.

Thanks to the publisher for providing me with a copy of The Practice Pet in exchange for an honest review!


  1. Don't you just love this book? I am going to be reviewing it soon too. Glad to see that you liked it! :)

  2. I have never heard of this book, but it sounds like such fun! I love the idea that it is interactive. :) The different adventures seem like they would be really entertaining. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. The interactive part is very different. I really like that it's possible to change the story or scenes if you want to.

    2. I know- being able to change the story is so cool. It reminds me of a "choose your own adventure book"- which I loved reading and rereading as a kid because I could have a different story each time. :)

    3. I've heard of those! I know exactly what you mean. It's also a lot like Mirror, Mirror by Marilyn Singer.

  3. Aww such a pretty illustrations. It's really hard to resist. :) I like the sound of Sammy and his story sounds really interesting. Glad you enjoyed the story. Great review :)

    1. Yeah, I'm loving this illustrators drawings. I'm sure there even better in physical form!

  4. Children's books are awesome! This looks super adorable, and the illustrations are gorgeous. I'll have to see if my library has it =)

    1. It's kind of new so I'm not so sure about that but I'm glad you like the story and illustrations!

  5. This is too cute, and I know just the cutest little boys who would love this!!


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