I've finally gotten to my favorites list of 2024 which includes some middle-grade picks. These are my favorite books out of 148 I read last year. I had a great year discovering new authors and being blown away by storylines. I'm not the best person at writing about books I love or even reviewing books but I hope I can convey how much these books mean to me.
#12 The Witchwood Knot by Olivia Atwater
Olivia Atwater wrote another favorite of mine
Half a Soul so I decided to give her Victorian Faerie Tales series a try and wasn't disappointed. I did like the back-and-forth between the lead characters in
Half a Soul more but
The Witchwood Knot was plotted out better. I was pleasantly surprised by the romance which was great because it's the best feeling from enemies to lovers. I wish there was more on Winifred's chosen family because Atwater creates these interesting characters but then that's it... however, the characters, plot, slow romance, and world-building were wonderful.
#11 Stake Around & Find Out by E.V. Belknap
I wish I had the chance to review all the indie books I read this year but luckily a few of them are on my favorites list! This is the second book I read by E.V. Belknap. The author likes to write about supernatural creatures and found families. They are cozier reads with some action in the mix. You really feel for the main character Ava who never fit in with her family. Her dream? To become a vampire. How is she going to accomplish it? Pretend to be a vampire hunter. Such a great concept with very surprising twists. Belknap's writing always ends bittersweet. It's a heartwarming story where Ava goes through a lot and finds people who see her.
#10 Blue Lock by Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Illustrated by Yusuke Nomura
I was obsessed with reading Blue Lock last year. I read volumes 1 - 15. I stopped because I accidentally spoiled part of the story for myself. But I do plan on coming back to the series again. I loved this story with all my heart! I randomly pick up books with sports as a central part of the story. Since I read Dairy Queen as a teenager I've known how great they can be. I also loved all the characters and seeing them grow. I liked how winning wasn't a guarantee and there were setbacks. And the two main characters I love the most because of their friendship is Isagi and Bachira. I hope they stay friends and are on the same team.
#9 The Clackity by Lora Senf
The Clackity is also on my middle-grade favorites of 2024. It's such a great story of being brave in the face of some very scary monsters. Like seriously, the descriptions are creepy. I found Jeffrey Pope, a dead serial killer holding her aunt hostage (with the help of the Clackity) to be the creepiest of all. So this isn't for the faint of heart but it's more than just monsters. Evie is such a strong main character. She is resilient in the face of danger and she is terrified while doing it. There's a heartwarming aspect to this story with Evie's parents being taken and her whole journey throughout the series leads up to her trying to save them. Wonderful book and series!
#8 Brick Dust and Bones by M.R. Fournet
Marius is such a sweetheart. He's a monster hunter trying to earn enough to raise his mother back from the dead. He's best friends with a flesh-eating mermaid who eats sloppily but is loyal. The monsters can be scary but not as much as The Clackity. This is part horror and part heartwarming tale that doesn't get enough love.
#7 The Tenfold Tenants by E.V. Belknap

Now we come back to the first book by E.V. Belknap that I read last year and boy will it tug at your heartstrings. You have a mysterious dubious who may be a supernatural being or just a human. It's the landlord's job to figure it out while keeping a werewolf, vampire, and others from revealing the supernatural world to this person. All of the cast of characters were distinct and fun to learn about. There were two I always got mixed up but otherwise the landlord, Corbin, and Michael (a scaredy-cat vampire) were the most fun to follow around. There's a side part of this story with Corbin wanting to have a higher level job as a villain but really he's the sweetest guy who will do anything for his tenants who have become family. Annelies, the mysterious dubious, has a sad background. You know vaguely that she's been mistreated and doesn't trust or have anyone who cares for her. Now comes the found family aspect. It's really sweet how they all gather together for Corbin and this new person they don't know much about. The love they have for each other is beautiful.
#6 Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands by Heather Fawcett
Emily Wilde's books are the perfect combination of fantasy and romance with a historical setting. I love the academic Emily who is obsessed with knowledge even to her detriment. I love her relationship with Wendell and seeing it grow. The intrigue and mystery of this plotline kept me turning pages. There's more focus on Wendell's past and I felt like I got to know him better through Emily's adventures. Every time I am in this world it feels like such a treat.
#5 A Rival Most Vial by R.K. Ashwick
This was the first indie book I read last year that completely set me on a path to research and find more indie books to read. It's a cozy read similar to Legends & Latte but it might just be better because... come on... enemies to lovers is the best thing ever! I adored these two! I am so glad there was 2 POV's because you realize just how much Eli is a cinnamon roll that needs to be protected at all costs! Also, there is a grumpy and sunshine trope happening here with Ambrose being the grumpy one. It's revealed how badly he was mistreated by his old mentor and he becomes a cinnamon roll too lol. This is what I mean when I want to read romance. It's pure sweetness with some tension and very lovable characters.
#4 A Game of Noctis by Deva Fagan
I've talked about this book before being very much like how I felt when I read the Skyborn series. It's a great story on government corruption with a very unique world where winning games determines if you have money to eat or not. This blew me out of the water. I'm just annoyed that I couldn't be in this world longer.
#3 The Rise of Kyoshi by F.C. Yee
I went on a journey with the Kyoshi and Yangchen books. Out of all of them, this first book on Kyoshi was my favorite. I love an underdog. I loved seeing Kyoshi find her confidence and the villains were so freaking cool. Mainly the "other" avatar although his story is dived into more in the second book. What cemented this story in this third slot other than the romance, nostalgia, epic adventure, and underdog story was Kyoshi herself. She's such a likable character! She is all about justice and doing the right thing. She's my type of girl. And that one scene when she enters the avatar state is lodged in my brain forever. I was so hyped for her.
#2 Royal Blood by Aimée Carter
Let me tell you the drama in this book... I was living for it! I could not get enough of this story. I was waiting for someone to tell me that Evan was born first so she is the actual heir to the throne. I am still waiting. And all of the pain she had to deal with and plans to get her to leave London was diabolical. I was rooting for this girl from beginning to end. I love Evan and the strength of her character. I am planning on rereading this book and the second book that I rushed because the third one is coming out later this year. More people need to read this series, please!
#1 Threads That Bind by Kika Hatzopoulou

I've said a lot about how I loved every book on this list but Threads That Bind is no question my favorite book of the year. While I was reading it and after I could not stop thinking about this book. It is part mythological fantasy, mystery, dystopian, and adventure (I don't count the romance). It has incredible world-building. Anyone who grew up reading Percy Jackson or loves Greek Mythology in general would love this book. A story surrounded by the descendants of the three fates? Hello! Wake up people. You need this book. And the way everything is interweaved. My goodness, this author has an unbelievable imagination. I couldn't believe this was her debut book. I will read anything she ever writes. I wish I could say more but books I love I can never articulate how great they are by a long shot. If you read the summary and are interested then read the book. Just note that the romance doesn't matter. It's there but I ignored it and had the best journey ever. The second book is pretty crazy too and the friendship between her and an unexpected person is top-notch. The sister dynamics are drama-filled and ugh... Just please. This needs to be read by more people.
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