Reading Stats 2024 // Quarter 2

Image by regencygirl123

I somehow have surpassed my "expectations" this reading year by more than I could ever hope. I put expectations in quotation marks because my main goal this year was to chill out with my reading. I set my reading goal low to read 36 books to see where that took me. In the first quarter, I read 41 books while this quarter I've read 50. This astonishing feat is because of Escape the Readathon when I read 28 books. I don't know how I'll do next quarter but my main goal is to search for those five-star books. I want to get to the books I am the most interested in. I also want to work on my ARC goal. So far I've read and reviewed 5 books so I have 7 more to go. I also want to read foodie books. I have 6 more to read. I gave up on my nonfiction goal but that's okay. I will not be giving up on my picture book goal even though I haven't read any new ones this quarter. I am determined to have a ranking up in December where I've reviewed all of the picture books I've read this year. My goal is to get to 25. I have currently read only 9 books. 

From April - June I've Read

13,614 pages

19 Fantasy

 11 Sports Fiction

11 Contemporary

 6 Romance

5 Mystery

4 Horror

2 Historical

2 Science Fiction

12 Manga

8 Graphic Novels

27 Physical Books

19 Audiobooks

4 ebooks

50 Total Books Read

2024 Reading Goals

Foodies Reads Challenge - 2 books

ARCs - 1 book

Last Quarter I thought I could reach 120 books by the end of the year. This quarter I know I will. It's August when I am writing up this post and I am at 104 books read. 

I haven't read any picture books or early readers this last quarter. I'm hoping to get a move on with that goal this month.

I only read 2 foodie books this quarter but I am feeling confident I'll catch up in Quarter 3. I read a book that I thought would count but it hardly had any foodie descriptions so that set me back. Still, I'm not that far behind. The same goes with ARCs. Well... actually I am a little worried about the ARCs challenge. I included the books I've read in August in this post's first paragraph so I am not too behind. But I only have 3 more waiting for me to review so I'm hoping to get approved 3 more by the end of the year. I really need to achieve this goal since I want to review middle grade ARCs. I'm a children's librarian so I want to be able to get to more middle grade ARCs each year so I can decide whether to buy them or not. 

I have done four reading challenges but I've only posted one. The themed ones have not been posted, unfortunately, but I'm confident I'll get to them soon. I need to play catch up with my Summer Scavenger Hunt as well. So basically Quarter 3 is a catch-up quarter and I am hoping that'll make Quarter 4 the mood read quarter.

Anyway, here are my favorite books from Quarter 2:

What books have you loved this year?


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