Reading Stats Check-In

It's September and I haven't checked in about how my reading has been going for a while now. The last time I checked in was in Spring and I had read 27 books. I created some challenges for myself but those didn't work out so I've scrapped them and created two new challenges to focus on. I've now read 30 more books and I am at a total of 57 books read as of August 31st. If you love reading stats and seeing what people are reading - this is the place for you!

Like I said before I have read 57 books this year. I've been reading a lot slower than I have read in the past but my new normal is reading under 100 books because of work and not prioritizing reading. I've really picked up the pace and should get to my goal of 80 books by the end of the year. I've really leaned into reading middle-grade and children's books since that's what I am interested in and I feel like I need to read more to be able to recommend them. I'm fine with this change in my reading but want to make sure I add in an adult book here and there as well. 

There are some children's books I've felt obligated to read because they are so popular. Of course, since it's not in my age range I don't particularly like them. In the future I plan on dispersing those reads because there is a cluster of meh books I  read back to back because I felt like I needed to read them. I am mainly going to focus on books I am genuinely interested in and then I might finally read Dog-Man... we'll see.

I'm overall happy with my audience background because I have consciously picked up more middle-grade and children's books so I can recommend them in the future. I do want the adult books to overtake the young adult category by the end of the year so I will keep that in mind when picking what to read next.

No surprises here. I'm happy that I've focused so much on my favorite genre - fantasy because I want to read what brings me joy. I'm pleased to see I've read a good amount of mystery, horror, and science fiction. I'd love to read more. Horror and mystery books are going to take priority because of the fall season but there is one particular sci-fi I'd like to get to. The chart above doesn't consider romance contemporary reads. If it's mostly romance it goes into that category. I also wanted to point out that I've read 6 retellings, 2 manga, and 12 graphic novels which are factored into this genre breakdown.

This is the chart I am most disappointed in. I guess I wasn't paying attention and focusing too much on popular children's books to notice. It also might not be 100% accurate since I included 2 middle-grade books by an Asian author that I feel has cultural influences but I'm not sure if it's enough to be included. Including those two books, I've only read 19 diverse books. I have been focusing on reading more Latino books since I want to surpass the amount I read last year. I noticed a few weeks ago that I was severely behind so I've amped up my reading in that area. After I've finished focusing on Latino books I plan on taking a look at my tbr and finding diverse characters to read about. I'd like to get to at least 45% if not 55% like last year if I realistically can.

That was my very short check-in. I am going to go more in-depth once the year ends. I hope to have a significant change in diverse reads and to read more adult books. I am excited to read more books and accomplish my goal of reading 80 books this year. Wish me luck!


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