It's been a while since I last blogged. I was in a reading slump and I broke out of it in March. I've read mostly children's books. I didn't think anyone would be interested in reading about them but I am a children's librarian so if reading children's books are bringing me joy right now then that's what I'll be writing about. Hope you all are having a great reading year so far!
I read 26 books from January to March.

Here are some of my favorite reads so far this year. The Magical Reality of Nadia series has a lot of good humor, comics within the story, and talk about being different. It also has some cool information about Egyptian history! The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea was surprisingly good. I haven't had an easy time with YA recently but I enjoyed my experience with this one. I felt swept up in the spirit world, its characters, romance, and mystery.

These are some more favorites of this past quarter. The Lost Wonderland Diaries centers around a distant relative of the writer of Alice in Wonderland and someone she meets at the library. She hates reading but her new friend loves it. Her love of logic and his love of imagination and the way the plot is crafted was really well done. The League of Picky Eaters was a silly and fun story in a fictional town where eating fancy food was important in achieving success. However, the main character and her friends are picky eaters just trying to make it by.

I've read eight graphic novels and three manga. America Chavez: Made in the USA being my favorite one. I've been ordering a lot of children's graphic novels so I've read a few of those including Another Kind, Garlic and the Vampire, and What the Hex!?. Otherwise I picked up some random ones off my library's Hoopla app which are shown above - Shadecraft and Basilisk. I really need to give more attention to graphic novels and manga because not only are they fast reads but they are fun too.

I have not been keeping track of the many picture books I've read so this doesn't include them. I have been keeping track of the Spanish readers I've read because I decided to give them a go again this year. I think I went for chapter books too soon last year and my vocabulary skills were just not there. My plan is to read 20 second grade books then move on to third grade. I read 5 of them in the first quarter of the year.
Stats by Genre
I've decided to include more than one genre if needed per book so my percentages would be more accurate this year. I've read ten romances, six fantasy, five general fiction, three horror, three humor, two contemporaries, and one adventure, food and drink, mystery, science fiction, and superhero book. As I was creating this I was looking back at some older quarterly stats and I'd like to try to read poetry again so that's something I want to add on to this chart next quarter.
Stats by Age
Not surprising, I've read a majority of middle grade books with children's books as my second most read age range. I read eleven middle grade, seven children, five young adult, and three adult books. I want to keep it up with the middle grade but add in some more adult books for next quarter.
This chart represents the amount of books with characters who are the minority of the population in the U.S. including those that have disabilities and are neurodiverse.
I didn't have a goal for the amount of diverse books I want to read this year or anything so I was pleasantly surprised I've read the majority books with diverse characters. Hope to keep that up next quarter as well.
Looking Ahead

I usually put my favorites at the end but I've already discussed them so here are three books I want to read next quarter.
Hide by Kristen White - A game of horror at an amusement park.
Yinka, Where is Your Huzband? by Lizzie Damilola Blackburn - A family who always pushes marriage and a woman trying to find herself.
Olga Dies Dreaming by Xochitl Gonzalez - A wedding planner who can't find love herself with family secrets soon to be revealed during a devastating hurricane in Puerto Rico.
What books have you been enjoying reading this year?
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