March 2014 Wrap-Up

So this past month I've been thinking about changing direction in what I want to study and do for the rest of my life. It's scary but I want to do some research to figure out where I'll be happiest in the career I choose. I worry a lot in my life especially about what's going to happen in two, five, ten years in the future. I know I shouldn't get too wrapped up in the future yet it's time I take action in certain parts of my life which is what I wanted for myself in the beginning of the year. So here's to what should be a hopefully a productive, decision making month.

I read 10 books and 2 picture books.

Books and Picture Books I've Read:


My favorite book by far was The Program, Til Death was great too as well as well as the book in The Lying Game Series. Fearscape was one of the scariest books I've read in a long time. It still lingers in my mind...

Personal Challenges:

I'm planning to run more and do regular push-ups in April. I still need to draw more so I'm going to go for it this month. I did complete a new recipe: pancakes. I'm going to probably try to make pasta or something like that next. 

Blogosphere Challenges:

I finished my first series! I've also read 2 more books for my TBR challenge and 1 book for my re-reading challenge.

Plans for April:

I'm going to set my goals realistically to reading 10 books this month. I'm focusing more on my personal goals especially fitness and art goals. Here are some books I plan to read:


  1. The best thing about plans is they can change. I have long term and short term plans. The long term give me a direction, and the short term change as my circumstances do. I adapt and move forward.

    Whatever you decide is fine. Like you said you'll do the research and plan for the future. It's all good, because you can tweak as you go. :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

    1. Aw! Thanks for your kind words. It's true that I just need to adapt to what I decide to do. The problem is I don't really have a long term goal until I have this short term goal/decision.

  2. I hope you get a chance to read Splintered! It's aaamazing. Seriously, my new favourite series (and I don't say that a lot!). Ah, push-ups...I should make more personal goals like that. But frankly, gah, I forget and then...oh look at all the other things I need to do. Hehe... I'll stick with my morning run for now, probably. OH and I really want to read The Program! I've basically heard only good things about it.

    1. Haha (: ~ my brother is the only reason why I kept up with the push up workout.
      The Program is amazingness! I will eventually read Splintered... one day. And then when I finish I'll beat myself over not reading it earlier I'm sure.

  3. Good luck as you chose what direction to go in! The cover for Til Death is amazing-adding it to my tbr list :)

    1. Til Death's cover is really pretty and the actual story is amazing! Enjoy (:

  4. First off that quote is amazing. I really love it and it says so much with just a few words. Now I'm so glad you enjoyed Til Death and it seems more than me. Also I need to start with Rainbow's books soon. Great post, Adriana :)

    1. The quote kind of summarizes what I'm going through right now. Glad you like it (:

  5. It's hard not to worry about the future when you're in college and making important decisions like what to major in and what career you want to have. Hope you figure out what path will make you happiest!! I grabbed the first book in the Lying Game series because of all your reviews, but I'm in such a reading slump I've yet to pick it up…

    Amanda @ Born Bookish

    1. Aw well reading slumps happen. Hopefully you'll find a book to inspire you and you'll be in the zone again.

  6. I'm reading Splintered right now as well, so hopefully we can discuss when we're both finished!
    And good luck with college and choosing your career! It's definitely a daunting choice, but I hope whatever you end up deciding you choose something that will make YOU happy! :D
    Happy reading!
    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

    1. Sweet! I hope you like Splintered. And I hope I finally get around to it. I haven't been reading lately.
      Thanks, I really need to keep in mind what'll make me happy but also what I see myself as in the future.

  7. Good luck with any choices that you make. I ALWAYS think about/obsess over the future, particularly in regards to career paths, and know it can be scary. But, with some thought, I hope everything goes well. :) I'm glad to hear you enjoyed The Program! It's been on my TBR pile for a while now, and I can't wait to finally get around to it. I also hope to read Attachments myself this April and really look forward to it. I loved Rowell's Fangirl. Have a great month!

    1. I've always been obsessed with the future. It feels like I'm headed in the right direction which is fantastic since I've been feeling so anxious lately. The Program is amazing Sam!!! You will not regret reading it.


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