March Madness Read-A-Thon 2014: The Books

Month long read-a-thon hosted by Fiction_TheNewReality

I didn't get to sign up for this read-a-thon on time but I still wanted to participate in it so that's what I'm doing! I've never done a read-a-thon this long yet I feel like it's more flexible than the other ones I'm used to. I'm planning on adding some different discussions based on this read-a-thon. This time around I'll be updating each week the book's I read instead of one long post. I'm thinking of adding some tasks based on 30 day blogosphere events that go around. If anyone has any suggestions on topics to post about feel free to comment below.

The Books:

Since this is a month long challenge it might look like I'm going insane with the amount of books I plan to read but I really want to step up my reading game from the past two months so without further ado here are the books I plan to read for March Madness:

I also want to read some comics mainly from the Fables series. I know it's a lot but I want to read as much as I can.

Wish me luck!


  1. So many great books! I'm really looking forward to reading your reviews for them!
    Thanks for sharing and happy reading! :D

    1. Thanks Zoe! I'm looking forward to reading to them all.

  2. You've got some amazing books on this list and some of these I highly enjoyed. I hope you'll love The Perks as it is a great book. Dear John is also a great book, but it's still typical Sparks' story. While I'm sure you'll enjoy The Hallowed Ones I really hope you'll enjoy The First Frost as well. Great list, Adriana :)

    1. I expect Dear John to be typical Nicholas Sparks but that is okay. I kind of want to read it because of that. I hope I enjoy all those books you mentioned as well as the rest (:

  3. Great choices. Have fun and remember to keep us posted. hehehe--notice the pun. :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

    1. Thanks, I really need to get reading and reviewing these books!

  4. You have a fun month ahead! I liked the Dirt Diary, and Endless is on my TBR for next month. Happy reading!

    1. Awesome, I know you read the Dirt Diary but you found something predictable.... I think. Anyways thanks :D


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