Random Reads #1 ~ June 2013

Random Reads is a monthly meme hosted by I'm Loving Books. This feature is to get us reading a random book within the month that is in our TBR stack.

I saw this at Read and Reviewed and thought this was such a good idea to kind of get my tbr list down.  Here is what this meme entails:

  1. If you're on Goodreads enable sorting to your to-read shelf (you should see numbers next to each book now.)
  2. Go to Random and type in the Min as 1 and the Max as how many ever books are on your to-read shelf.
  3. Scroll down to the book matching the number Random.org picks.
  4. Link up to your Random Reads post (here). If you choose more than one book per month, be sure to put a number by your name in the list so it doesn't look like a duplicate.
  5. Read and be merry.
This month Random.org picked:

What "really" happened at the back of the bus?                                                   
Did they, or didn't they?                                                                                                          
Did she, or didn't she?                                                                      
"Something" happened to fourteen-year-old Maisie Willard--something involving her three friends, all boys. But their stories don't match, and the rumors spin out of control. Then other people get involved . . . the school, the parents, the lawyers. The incident at the back of the bus becomes the center of Maisie's life and the talk of the school, and, horribly, it becomes "news." With just a few words and a touch, the kids and their community are changed forever.

I honestly don't remember ever adding this book. But, I did and it's at my library so why not? A school scandal sounds interesting and I'm already worried about this one girl and three boys... It can't be something good. I added it February 24th, 2012 and it's #441 out of 1226. Yeah, I want to read a lot of books.

Has anyone ever heard of this book or read it?


  1. I have never heard of this one, but it does sound interesting. And I agree that one girl and three boys doesn't bode well for Maisie. Isn't it funny how we go sort of crazy adding books to the to-read list? I went through and cleared a whole bunch out a while back because some of them no longer interested me in the slightest, and/or I'd heard not very good things about them and didn't want to deal with a disappointing read. I'm still at 999 books on the list, but it's better than the number I had originally!

    I shall be keeping an eye out for your review of this one!

    ~Merin @ Read and Reviewed~

    1. I really have to do that especially since I'm at 1226 so far. That's just a crazy amount. I might not have ever tried to read this book if I didn't get it randomly picked for this meme. Hopefully my tastes back then don't come to haunt me. I'm sure it will be fine...

  2. This is a really fun meme. I haven't seen it before. I'll have to decided if I want to participate. You have so many books on your TBR shelf. I think I have around 300. I need to go through and make sure all the ones are there are ones I want to read for sure.

    Good luck with the book! It sounds good.

    Kay @ It's a Book Life

    1. Yeah, it seems like it will be fun. Only 300!? I guess since I'm always looking for new books I have so much that I don't look back to see what I no longer want to read... Must change that.

      Thanks (:

  3. Looking forward to what you think. Hurry up, I'm waiting. hehehe

    Anna from "Shout with Emaginette"

  4. I haven't heard of this book, but it sounds really interesting. I can't believe how many books are on your TBR list! Ha ha. And I thought I had a lot of books to read. :)

    1. I always have a lot of books to read and I feel like it's never ending and it is because there are so many books that come out every year.

  5. I used to participate in Random Reads. I haven't done it for awhile now but I've been thinking about how much I miss it lately. Maybe I'll try to start up again!

    1. Ooh! I would love to see what you pick (: Or rather.... what gets picked for you (;

  6. Your TBR list is huge!! That's why I love Random Reads - it makes me feel like I'm giving all those poor little TBR books a chance!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Haha! That's a good way of looking at it (:
      My list is already longer of course.


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