Blog Tour: And Then I Found You by Patti Callahan Henry

Title: And Then I Found You
Author: Patti Callahan Henry
Format- ebook
Publisher- St. Martin's Press
Release Date- April 9th, 2013
Pages- 272
Source- NetGalley

Kate Vaughan is no stranger to tough choices.
She’s made them before. Now it’s time to do it again.

Kate has a secret, something tucked away in her past. And she’s getting on with her life.  Her business is thriving. She has a strong relationship with her family, and a devoted boyfriend whom she wants to love with all her heart. If Kate had ever made a list, Rowan would fill the imagined boxes of a perfect mate. But she wants more than the perfect on paper relationship; she wants a real and imperfect love. That's why, when Kate discovers the small velvet box hidden in Rowan's drawer, she panics.

It always happens this way. Just when Kate thinks she can love, just when she believes she can conquer the fear, she’s filled with dread. And she wants more than anything to make this feeling go away. But how?

When the mistakes have been made and the running is over, it’s time to face the truth. Kate knows this. She understands that a woman can never undo what can never be undone. Yet, for the first time in her life she also knows that she won’t fully love until she confronts those from her past. It’s time to act.

Can she do it? Can she travel to the place where it all began, to the one who shares her secret? Can the lost ever become found?

And Then I Found You gives new life to the phrase “inspired by a true story.” By travelling back to a painful time in her own family’s history, the author explores the limits of courage, and the price of a selfless act.

Thirteen years ago Kate Vaughan lost the love of her life, the only life she wanted, and her newborn daughter. She actually gave that daughter away after her and Jack couldn't provide her with a united family. See everything was going well for Kate. She was with Jack Adams, who she's known for as long as she can remember and she was helping young girls feel better about themselves. Jack didn’t like all the time they were spending apart and he warned Kate but Kate didn’t listen. She lost him and all she wants for the longest time is for him to come back to her.

Jack was her first kiss on the first day of spring which becomes pretty important to her. Every day on the first day of spring she has to do something unexpected. Something she wouldn’t regularly do. The present spring she’s decided to make a clean break. She needs to talk to Jack and get closure. She decides this when she saw a wedding ring that her current boyfriend hid away. She didn’t tell Rowan that she was going. She just did it. There are a lot of things that Rowan doesn’t know about her but it’s all about to be revealed when she sees a friend request on Facebook. That friend request is from none other than the daughter she gave up all those years ago.

What I really liked that the author did with this book was give us a background of her own personal story. One of her family members gave away their child and 21 years later her child found her on Facebook. This personal story made me instantly like this story and the possibilities of where it can go. I loved that it was the daughter that found the mother especially since I’m sure it would be even more complicated if the mother or father found the daughter. Simply because maybe she would not be ready to meet the parents that she felt didn’t want her.

This seriously was an emotional book for me. Parents and children being lost and found, it all gets to me. It’s such a sweet story that feels lighthearted and happy but also is just very sad. I mean Kate gave away her child which I still don’t understand. So what if her and Jack weren’t together? Have you never met a single parent? I also thought Jack’s excuse for leaving her was just plain dumb. He could not convince me that he would let the love of his life get away from him just because they hadn’t been spending time together for a long time. If you love her, wait for her. You apparently don’t love her enough because she’s clearly happy helping children deal with their problems. Ugh. Annoying…

The style of writing is hard to explain. It just had this way about it that kind of felt… wise maybe? It kind of felt sometimes that Jack wasn’t really someone I could know though. He was distant for me but he wasn’t. I think I know who Jack was but really I think I would have liked his POV in the book so I would have gotten to really know him. His daughter was such a nice girl. She's like her mother in that she likes the "cool" guy who is also the good guy. I feel like she's humble too which I can't really explain. It's just a feeling I get off of her. I really did like this book. It was such a joy to read. I have been in a kind of reading slump where I felt the books I was reading were good but not great. This book is great. It’s an emotional, heartwarming story that I really needed. I am so happy I was able to read this book and can’t wait to read more about this author. This really was a treat for me.

To purchase And Then I Found You go to:

About the Author

Patti Callahan Henry is a New York Times Bestselling novelist. She has published nine novels (Losing the Moon, Where the River Runs, When Light Breaks, Betweeen the Tides, The Art of Keeping Secrets, and Driftwood Summer, The Perfect Love Song, Coming up for Air and the upcoming And Then I Found You --April 2013, St. Martins Press). Patti has been hailed as a fresh new voice in southern fiction, appearing in numerous magazines (Good Housekeeping; SKIRT; The South; Southern Living, etc..). She has been short-listed for the Townsend Prize for Fiction. She has been nominated four different times for the Southeastern Independent Booksellers Fiction Novel of the Year. Her work is published in five languages and all novels are on Brilliance Audio.  Two of her novels were OKRA picks and Coming up For Air was an Indie Next choice. Patti is a a frequent speaker at fundraisers, library events and book festivals, discussing the importance of storytelling. Her next novel, AND THEN I FOUND YOU, will be released on April, 9th, 2013 by St. Martins Press. Patti Callahan Henry is a full time writer, wife and mother of three living in Mountain Brook, AL.


Thanks to the author & Itching for Books for this giveaway!


  1. This sounds rather good. Great review!

    BTW I love your wallpaper.

    1. Haha.. I change it frequently if you've noticed. Thanks (:

  2. New Adult or just Adult? I really like the sound of this, definitely is different from what I usually read. Sounds pretty realistic, which is something I don't see often anymore. Glad you enjoyed this, even if it was a little emotional! :)

    1. I can never tell the difference. They didn't specify that this was new adult or not so I'm guessing regular adult fiction. I haven't read too much realistic fiction lately either :P

  3. I got a hardcover review copy of this one from the publisher that I've gotta start next week. So glad it turned out to be a good read. Great review!!
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

  4. I can't remember the last time I read an adult book. I don't think I would pick this one up myself but your review was great! =)

    1. I've been reading a lot lately but now I am planning to read mostly teen and children's books.

  5. I haven't heard of this book before but I'm so happy that you enjoyed it. I rarely read adult books but I should from time to time. Great review :)

  6. It's really interesting to hear that the author's personal story played a part in this book. Situations like that nearly always make my heart break, though I really like the sound of this. I'm glad you were impressed overall, Adriana. Great review! :)

    1. It made me invested more in the story I think because it was based off a real story.

  7. I love the blue on the cover. The story sounds powerful and interesting. I can imagine the MC from your description of the book. I imagine the first day of spring must be hard for her and I am definitely curious. I like that the author included a personal note. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway. :)

  8. I love this book cover. I also really want to read this book! Thank you for the giveaway!


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