Stop Everything! There's Going to be a Veronica Mars Movie

Oh My God you guys! There's going to be a Veronica Mars movie. It's on Kickstarter and they almost made their 2 million goal on the first day. It'll probably happen by the time you read this. My life is just so wonderful right now. What are the odds that I would do a guest post at Forget About TV, Grab a Book (awesome blog by the way) about The Liar Society Trilogy and how I find it so similar to Veronica Mars? You must see this epic Kickstarter video. It makes me feel all warm and happy inside. Must watch ALL OF THE  EPISODES!

Kickstarter link here.


  1. It reached $2M! I donated and now I cannot wait for the movie!

    1. Right after I posted this I noticed that as well. SO HAPPY! I feel like it'll reach 10 million in the end. Things are starting to slow down but 28 days of a lot of time.

  2. Wow, I didn't know this! I remember seeing the show way back when then I guess I sort of lost interest. I will definitely see this though!

    Also, Tom Hiddleston FTW.

    1. I had to watch most of the second season right after this and that particular moment I wrote about. I really can't get enough of it but I have to ruin it for myself on wikipedia if I want to get anything done.


  3. Oh I've seen this but never watched the TV show anyway. Yeah I'm missing a lot I believe. Huh..I should fix that. Anyway I'm happy for you :)

    1. You should catch the first episodes and see what you think. It's on youtube. All of it I think.

  4. I think it is official now! I have seen a few episodes, but I guess I will have to watch them all now to be a part of the loop. I remember it being a cute show. Sounds like you have had a great week! :)

    New GFC follower. I love your blog and I'm glad I cam across it in the First Visions tour.

    Kay @ It's a Book Life

    1. I've started watching them again. I ruined a bunch of it so I know some crazy things happen towards the end of the second season. I am so ready for this movie!

      Thank you! I will check your blog out (:

  5. I have never seen this show- but one of my good friends loved it! I will have to check it out. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Kristen Bell does some excellent acting on the show. She's so amazing. You've got to love her.

  6. I also compared Veronica Mars with a book series for Forget About TV, Grab a Book. I really liked the show and I am anxious to contribute to the movie I think every little will help and it is making one hell of an entertainment story.

    1. Really? I wonder which series you compared it to. I will have to find out. I sooo want to know what happens. Apparently now Percy is in (Wallace) so I'm super excited about that. Please let her and Logan be married or let her have to save Logan from jail.

  7. Well it's about time. I loved that show.

    1. I recently got into it and I've been disappointed it canceled so I really am excited to see it happen! Spring 2014 feels so far away.

  8. I'm so glad this is happening! Veronica Mars brings back all the happy memories. Also, I've missed Logan! Love the smouldering in that Kickstarter promo video. ;)

    1. The Smoldering!!! I just about died. Also, her t.v. dad's little crazy moment was awesome.

  9. So happy about this! Oh Logan, how I've missed you :-)

    1. I'm so happy that the actor in real life has a wife and kids! He was married even before he was Logan Echolls.

  10. Heck yes! I am so excited about this. So many people are being jerks about giving money to the studio in effect, but, damn it, if we didn't there wouldn't be a movie, so WHO GIVES A CRAP? I want more Logan and Veronica.

    1. I've read that that's been happening but I've only really read rebuttals. People can do what they want with their money if it brings joy to them... and isn't illegal (;

  11. *hyperventilates*
    There is going to be a movie! Even after the passing of three days, I cannot get over this. Normally I would object because I tend to hate it when they go back and add sequel to movies or draw out television or book series, but the end of season 3 is so open-ended and unsatisfactory and there is so much that could be done here.
    And whatever to those people who are complaining VMars fans should have donated to charity instead. I'm sure most donors do regularly and give way more to those organizations than they did this one time to the movie project.
    This just brings to mind the utter amazingness if fandoms-what else can bring a bunch of otherwise different people together this way?
    *hyperventilates more* * happy dances*


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