Supernaturally by Kiersten White

Supernaturally, the sequel to Paranormalcy, continues the mishap adventures of Evie. She's living a normal life now but she isn't as happy as she thought she was. She wanted normal but there is no drama or fights everyday like her favorite show, Easton Heights. In other words it's boring... She's stuck in High School while Lend, her shape shifting water element boyfriend, is in College having a great but busy time.

Evie is still her funny over dramatic self and like her she gets in trouble. Well, more like trouble finds her. People keep watching her and it's not that weird because no one knows that she's an Empty One and can see through glamour's but its different... It's like everyone is watching her. She's in danger. That doesn't stop her from heading straight for it. She's needed back at IPCA. This time she cannot do a case if she doesn't want to but she is about to meet the most insane boy ever, Jack. He's this hyper little boy that can make a Faerie portal so there's no need for Faerie's to be around her but that doesn't stop Reth from getting into her life and trying to convince her once again to go with him.

In this one you'll have your mouth open at the end. At least I did because I didn't expect that to happen. I mean what WAS THAT! So not fair. I was wishing... Ugh. Can't say anything. Reth tells her about where she came from though. That was pretty crazy and pretty sad. Evie was great but Lend not being around as much made me want Jack especially since his name is JACK! I love that name. And he is so lonely but hyper and crazy. He does get her in trouble a lot... Oh yeah. She's keeping the secret from Lend that he's immortal so that can be a problem.

Comparing it from the first book.. It's not better because in the first book you are not used to Evie and all her craziness. It's all brand new while of course in the second book it's not... I mean she is great and everything but it's not as great as the original. I love first books in series or trilogies just to let you know. But I absolutely loved this book anyways. I wanted more drama and more Lend even though I said I liked Jack. (I like drama sue me). It was in the end a great sequel. I really don't know where this whole thing is going to go. They didn't really leave it with anything mind blowing that's going to happen next. Something big happened at the end but there was no... cliffhanger. There you go! That's what I wanted to say. It is a must read if you loved Paranormalcy which you should have because it is amazing! Her and Jack are amazing in this one. So many things happen! Endlessly promises so much goodness. I can't wait! But before this review is over.... really. This cover? She's not serious AT ALL! It is pretty though. I'll give you that.

"Are you kidding me? You come here and use your stupid faerie mojo and then you back away from meIs there anything in your golden head that makes sense? What, you thought, hey, Evie's probably having a bad night, why don't I go mess with her? While you're at it, there are probably some puppies you could kick!"

"But you're such a charming conversationalist. Still, if you'd prefer to simply bask in the glory of my company, I understand. You're probably overwhelmed by holding my hand and want to enjoy the moment."
I rolled my eyes. "It's all I can do not to swoon, but I'll try to contain myself."
"I think swooning is highly underrated. You could bring it back into vogue."


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