2017 Summer Bucket List

I've been thinking a lot about this Summer and what I wanted to do. Before long I started looking up Summer Bucket Lists which I've done in previous years. I've never made one but thought this was the year to do it. Some of my summer bucket list might not make sense but it's what I want to do.

I don't know people who have ever done Summer Bucket Lists personally so it does sound like a weird thing to want to do. But I want to have a Summer where I proactively do fun things for myself and others. The most exciting Summers for me were swimming in the pool constantly as a kid, going to Disney, or that trip to Georgia I can't believe my parents agreed to. I have no money for a trip but I'm excited to see what the Summer has in store for me. 

What do you want to do this summer?


  1. I love the idea of seasonal bucket lists - but I never think I can complete them. Good luck on yours!

    Stopping by as part of the Get Social event hosted by the Herd. You can find me at http://bambi-unbridled.blogspot.com.

  2. What a fun list! They all sound great but I especially like beach time in the summer, And watching old movies sounds fun. Hope you get to do all these!

    1. Thanks! I love the beach. It's my favorite place. And I don't see enough old movies.

  3. What a fabulous idea!! Good Luck. Off to make mine ;-)

  4. Those are great goals for this summer. I don't do a lot of baking in the summer time because it gets so hot here. But I will be trying a few new recipes.

    1. It's hot here too but I like the idea of baking in the summer. Makes me feel like a character out of a book (;

  5. A summer bucket list is an excellent idea! I love it. I need to think on it a bit and see if can come up with a few things for myself.

    Just stopping by to say hi for the Get Social Blogging Event

    For What It's Worth

  6. I think this is a great way to do new things or to even do some of your favorite things during the summer. Homemade ice cream is the best but I haven't made it in like 8 years. I think I need to make a bucket list and add that on there. I hope you're able to accomplish everything this summer. :)

    1. I want to give it a try so bad! I know a way to do it without an ice cream machine. And Thanks!

  7. The most important thing for me to do is spend time with family. It also wouldn't hurt to get everything planted in the back yard to I could enjoy them. You are going to be busy! (Get Social Event) Romancing the Readers www.romancingthereaders.blogspot.com

    1. My backyard needs some love and attention. I hope my dad appreciates some plants. And spending time with the family should always be the ultimate goal (:

  8. Great list! There's a lot on that list I'd like to do also. :) Maybe I'll make my own summer bucket list.

    Stopping by from the #getsocial17 blog hop. It's nice to meet you.

    1. Oh good! I thought my items were a bit weird but at least someone agrees with what's on there.

  9. How fun to make a list. I usually end up thinking of all the things I want to do once the summer is half over. I should think about it this week so I have time to do everything. I want to go to the beach a few time, go on some hikes, have ice cream from my favorite local farm, see fireworks, and lots more. :) Great list!

    1. Ice cream on a farm? That would be cool to have one near me but I'm smack dab in suburbia. I would love to go on some hikes too!

  10. What a fun idea to have a summer bucket list. I've not heard of it before. Good luck and have fun. Visiting for the #getsocial17 event.

  11. Seasonal bucket lists sounds like they could be a lot of fun. Hi from Deanna's World. Glad to visit as part of the #getsocial17 event.

  12. That is an awesome list of things to do this summer. Most of my list is focused around getting the house in order. I think I need to follow your lead and add some fun/just for me things into my list. Good luck tackling all of your projects and activities!

    And a quick heads up on the #GetSocial17 event-- I had a blip with the sign up linky (it didn't request email info from anyone so I couldn't send yall the kick off post ) so stopping by with the link which has the official linky list everyone can use to visit all the blogs :) Hope you meet some fun new friends during the event! Thanks so much for joining in!


    1. I do want to organize and schedule some things this summer. It's an important summer for me. Thanks!

  13. This is a fun idea!! :) #GetSocial17

  14. Popping in from the get social event.Happy Reading! Joelle from Angels with Attitude Book Reviews.

  15. I think this is a great idea! I might steal it! #getsocial17

  16. Wish I could do a seasonal bucket list, but my life is up in the air crazy right now! Good luck!


    Shari @ Delighted Reader

  17. Hi there Adriana! I haven't been by the blog in a bit; I love the redesign (sorry if it was a while ago!) I'm visiting with #getsocial17 event.

    I love your list. It's simple and sweet joys - what summer should be. You've inspired me to come up with one myself. Of course, go to the beach, spend the day with my kids on an adventure are two that pop up right away! Thanks!

  18. I love the idea of a Summer Bucket List!!! I hope you get to do everything on your list. I don't have money for a big trip either so I like the idea of doing some fun smaller things. :)

    1. I wish I had money for a big trip, but you are right. I don't mind doing these smaller things (:


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