#FitReaders: January 9th 2015 Check-In

#FitReaders: This week I felt sore and then I felt amazing. I'm really feeling good about the mile but it'll take me another week before I get to my goal of under 10 min. I decided that after that I'll be progressing by 0.100 not 0.250 to make me feel more accomplished faster. I'm really worried about losing this really good feeling because the semester starts next Monday so wish me luck that I keep this up! And good luck to all who are going to school/work while trying to keep fit.

Sat/Jan. 3rd:
48 min. walk
74 oz of water
Thoughts: Took it easy because everything is sore. Hopefully stretching is going to make a difference. I'm going into my routine again tomorrow no matter what but of course I'll make sure my body can handle everything.

Sun/Jan. 4th:
1 mi. walk/jog - 17 min.
62 oz of water
Thoughts: Was really sore yesterday and felt a LOT better today. My left tricep hurts a lot so I took it easy on my arms. I really needed to work on my flexibility because I can't keep my legs straight in the air and move it downwards to work on my abs for the life of me! I changed up my routine and had myself jog instead of run which I think will benefit me in the long run (haha pun not intended).

Mon/Jan. 5th:
1 mi. walk/jog - 16 min. 24 sec.
64 oz of water
Thoughts: I actually did all the workouts without stopping the video! It's a miracle. I felt really good today although I think I could have exercised a little more. I'm glad I decided to jog instead of run. Now I just need to better my mile time.

Tues/Jan. 6th:
1 mi. walk/jog/run - 15 min. 24 sec.
58 oz of water
Thoughts: I think I enjoy the longer workouts except abs. I can only stand those for so long. It hurts the most after seconds. I did so well today and the Arms workout went really well compared to the first time I did it. I got to do more exercises though. I feel like I'm not doing enough even though I've been impressed by how consistent I've been with working out.

Wed/Jan. 7th:
1 mi. walk/jog/run - 15 min. 2 sec.
40 oz of water
Thoughts: I felt good with my mile. I was super tired so that's why maybe the video workout didn't make me sore at all although it did make me very sweaty... I did everything low intensity but I think the amount of cardio outweighed the strength portion which is what I wanted to focus on. Need to do another leg/thigh day in order to feel I did something.

Thur/Jan 8th
1 mi. walk/jog/run - 14 min 45 sec.
62 oz of water
Thoughts: Just too much for the video at one time. At one point I was going to stop but kept going and got some advice from my brother for chest/arm exercises I can do with his bar on his door. I think I'll try that out more because it seriously hurts after a while and I really want to be able to do one pull up. I now know that I can't just jog the whole mile. I jogged a good 5 min. before I I realized I had to run if I was going to get under 15 min. I'm not going to like running most of the time but I'm going to have to do it. 


  1. What a great workout week for you! It looks like you're slowly adjusting to longer workouts. Just remember that when you do HIIT for 50-60 minutes that you give yourself a rest day the next day to allow your muscles to recover and prevent injury. Keep up the awesome job!

    1. Good advice although I don't feel sore afterwards I will probably regret not taking your advice in the long run.

  2. You are doing so well! I have faith that you will be able to keep it up. :) I am intrigued by this workout challenge for busy people. I'm going to look into that. So far this year I have been eating a little more healthy and have been able to fit in a few exercises here and there.

    1. Sweet! I really want to be as consistent as possible with exercising and soon hopefully eating well.

  3. Sounds like a good all over body workout which is great. I'm happy to walk, used to jog eons ago! All the best to keep it up when you're back at school.

    1. I have such a hard time running. Jogging is becoming easier but running... It's hard to get used too.
      I really want to keep this up during school (:

  4. Awesome that you are sticking with your plan! I hope you are able to keep it up when school starts. Hopefully it helps that you started your plan and started getting into the routine. I want to start walking, but when I get out of work it is dark and freezing. So far, I haven't been able to get a routine started. But I am going to keep trying to find the time. :) You are an inspiration!

    1. I'm lucky that I have a treadmill. Otherwise I don't know how I would find the time for exercising.
      Awww! Thank you!

  5. Fantastic week I joined and then got the flu..ha my steps were awful..like 623 steps in one day. Which was essentially trips from the bed to the bathroom..lol Hopefully next week I can achieve some movement. Keep up the good work!

    1. Oh no! I didn't realize your flu was that bad ):
      I'm sure you'll do great next week. Get lots of rest!

  6. Even though you are sore you continued to workout, that is great! I would have used it as an excuse not to workout! All these exercises look good so I'll have to try them out. Good luck with the new semester and have a great weekend!

    1. It's really good when I'm able to push myself - sometimes it doesn't always work out that way.

  7. YouTube is such a great resource for finding a variety of work outs. Wishing you another week of success.

  8. I'm glad you're feeling good! It always takes a few days of sore muscles before you start to feel good. Keep it up! You're doing great!

    1. I feel like I'm doing better but the same. I know I'm working hard but everything seems so hard so I don't know what to do with that right now.

  9. Great work! I hope stretching helps with the sore muscles.

  10. Great job! I love how detailed you are with everyday!

    1. I think too much really but I like to make sure I remember and know what I want to do to move forward.

  11. Nice variety. I find I can do the standing ab workouts way better than the floor exercises. For some reason hey work better for me too.

    I'll have to check out the Fitness Blender workouts. I LOVE all the options available on YouTube. My problem is finding low impact options that aren't lame.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I don't feel it as much with standing abs but really floor exercises for abs are evil.

      Haha (: ~ I'm pretty sure they do low impact and I would think they aren't lame :P

  12. Isn't it awesome when you are sore from working hard and can feel yourself getting stronger?? :D Thanks for linking to all these videos, I might have to try some. I was thinking I'd just do little updates for FitReaders, but maybe I should try to do full posts so that I actually keep accountable ;-)

    1. Exactly why I am feeling weird that not being sore means I'm getting stronger too.
      Do whatever is best for you. I just think a lot so it wouldn't make sense for me to NOT do a full post.


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