July 2014 Wrap Up

Art by Rachel Suggs

July was Harry Potter month for me. I didn't finish all the books but I still had fun getting into the Harry Potter World again. I've been able to think about characters in a different way now that I know everything beforehand. I feel a deeper connection with the story and its characters. I've been reading for pleasure a lot lately. I'm very relaxed about my reading. I wish I was on here more blogging so I'm trying to make the effort to post more. 

It's also been a Pride and Prejudice month. I watched the movie if not this month then the last, I FINALLY read the book, and I re-watched The Lizzie Bennett Diaries including Lydia Rennet's vlogs this time around. I've had a mini obsession with Pride and Prejudice that I never expected to have. I ended up watching other web series - The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy and The Autobiography of Jane Eyre as well. 

I read 9 books in July. 

July Books Read:

I loved ALL of my books except Legend. I honestly don't know why it's so popular... I read it with a buddy and we both agreed that there was certain fundamental things lacking in the book. I don't really have a favorite. I did read my favorite HP book - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

August Plans:

I'm going to actually read the books I planned for last month plus some other new ones that I'm really excited about. I'm reading A Really Awesome Mess next and then I'll resume rereading the HP series. What are your August reading plans?


  1. Matched, A Really Awesome Mess and Miss Pengerine's House for Peculiar Children are all wonderful. :D I hope you enjoy them! It sounds like you had a fantastic July, and I hope August is just as great for you Adriana! <3 Thanks for sharing! :D

    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

    1. I loved Matched. I read it such a long time ago and I never progressed with the rest of the series so it'll be nice to read it again. I'm really glad you like A Really Awesome Mess because I just bought it on a whim the other day. Hope you have a great August Zoe!


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