The Cake Book Tag

So I wasn't technically tagged for this, but I saw this mentioned a while back on Paper Fury's Coffee Book Tag and I couldn't resist. Cake is better than coffee any day in my book. I took a cue from Cait and stuffed my post with gifs.


A book that was a little slow to start off but really picked up as it went along.

I've got to give it to The Maze Runner. It started off so slow but picked up really quick when Teresa came on board.



A book that had a rich thick plot.

I really couldn't believe all the crazy elements that went into White Cat. I was floored with how much happens to Cassel, a dangerous, lovesick fool.



A book you thought was going to be bad but actually turned out quite enjoyable.

I'm usually always caught off guard by how good a book is and I ordinarily have high expectations. This wasn't the case for Shatter Me which I read on a whim because it was so popular.



A sugary, sweet book.

I'm into a lot of very fluffy books. Savvy happens to have a great heart to its story which oh so sugary and sweet.



A book that covered every single element that you enjoy about a book (funny moments, action moments, sad moments, etc.).

This is a difficult one. I don't know many books that pinpoint all the elements of what makes a book great other than Throne of Glass and Paranormalcy. You've got to love badass female protagonists.



A book series that you can kind of turn back to for a little pick me up when you're feeling down.

There's a lot of wonderful book series out there, but none that can make me as happy as Percy Jackson, The Sisters Grimm, and Kat, Incorrigible. All three have have sarcastic, sassy MC's that are always saving the day.


The cherry on top

Your favorite book this year so far.

It's lucky that I already have identified my favorite book this year although I have a runner up. Made of Stars is by far my favorite book this year with The Raven Boys a close second. Both feature excellent writing and lovable characters.

Whoever wants to do this tag feel free. I tag you all!


  1. Great tag & I love your picks! Paranormalcy is one of my fave YA series, KWhite is such a snarky, funny writer and her books are such easy reads!

    1. I loved Paranormalcy. I really need to finish that series. I loved the MC and all her snark. She's the best <3

  2. I love your gif choices! Aren't tags so much fun? I love lists. Anyway, you have so many great picks on here and you have now made me hungry for cake. haha

    1. I've found out how awesome they are recently. I could eat a slice of cake myself too :D

  3. What a fun post, Adriana! Makes me crave cake! I heard so much about Shatter Me, and I'll definitely take a look at Made of Stars. :)

    1. You should! Made of Stars is so underrated and remarkably wonderful.

  4. Thank you for making me so hungry with all of your tantalizing gifs of cake.
    I loved doing this tag and I am glad that you did too.
    I agree that The Maze Runner was a great book, but extremely slow in the beginning. But that is probably because no one knew anything about the situation they were in or anything else besides their names.I am really excited to read The Scorch Trials though.
    Tessa @ Crazy for YA

    1. Oh yay, the Scorch Trials is the best in the series! I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
      I agree that the lack of knowledge of what was going on made everything feel slow. I think it was a good idea to do that because everything is always layed out to us in books before everything happens unless it's a mystery.

  5. Oh that's a fun tag :) There was a chocolate box one that was similar a while back. Always love seeing what people pick.

  6. I am really curious about Made of Stars. Fun post! Gotta love all the gifs.


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