Top Ten Anticipated Releases for 2015

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish

Perfected by Kate Jarvik Birch - This is probably one of the most disturbing concepts because it's a dystopian which means it is thought of as a possibility in the future.

All We Have is Now by Lisa Schroeder - I've been eying this forever now. I wonder if the ending of the world really happens.

Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate - An imaginary friend who's a large cat. Why not?

Your Voice Is All I Hear by Leah Scheier - I'm dying to read this one! It's going to be an emotional one.

Switch by Ingrid Law - Let's be honest. This series has taken a ridiculous long time to come out, but it's one of the best children's fiction series out there.

Are You Still There by Sarah Lynn Scheerger - Bomb threats is not something I've explored in YA yet. It looks like this will take on a mystery/suspense path which will be fun.

Ash & Bramble by Sarah Prineas - Cinderella retelling for the win!

Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker - Assassins and witches yay!

A Thousand Nights by E.K. Johnston - This sounds very similar to The Wrath and the Dawn, but I'm not complaining.

Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone - OCD is also something I've never explored in YA either so I'm excited to see how this book can translate the very real mental illness.

P.S. Rick Riordan's Norse god series is coming out in November, but it doesn't have a cover so I didn't add it here. Norse gods... I can't wait!

What releases are you looking forward to?


  1. Are You Still There sounds like such an intriguing idea for a YA book. I hope you enjoy all of these releases! My TTT!

  2. I've never heard of Every Last Word...until now! It sounds really good; OCD is something I'd like to learn more about. Happy reading! :)

    1. Oh really? That's one of the popular ones I've seen around. I know little about OCD, but I know it can run your life.

  3. A lot of the books on your list are new to me, but there's quite a few that I will be adding to my TBR. Ash & Bramble, Witch Hunter and Are You Still There all sound really good. Great List :)

    1. Oh good! I'm happy you were able to discover some new reads Elle (:

  4. I just finished 'The Witch Hunter' and didn't get on with it at all :( But I love your other choices! I can't wait for A Thousand Nights, it looks like it's going to be awesome!
    My TTT

    1. I've read an okay read of Witch Hunter, but I'm still optimistic I will like it.

  5. Ooh, I'm really excited for Every Last Word and A Thousand Nights too!! SO MANY BEAUTIFUL BOOKS. My TBR is exploding after this week's prompt. xD
    Here's my TTT!

    1. I know! Beautiful covers make me happy <3
      I'm sure my tbr will be the same after today too!

  6. At the recent book festival I went to I met Virginia Boecker. She was talking about Witch Hunter, and it sounds interesting! Great choices!

  7. I am excited for Witch Hunter too! I still can't believe I forgot to add the new Riordan book to my list! I am soooo excited for it! I hope it is as good as Percy Jackson. I already miss those characters.

    1. I've been waiting for the Norse god series for years! I haven't finished the Lost Hero series because I suck! I'm going to have to reread some books before I get on that again.

  8. Witch Hunter is right up my alley!

  9. Try Witch Hunter, definitely! I just read that one and it was really interesting - fast-paced with a lot of action, and the romance even takes a backseat :) I have Ash and Bramble for review! Hopefully it's good *crossing fingers* I really would like a mind-blowing read right now XD

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. I just saw your review on Witch Hunter Faye. I'm really into it even more now. I hope Ash and Bramble is as good as I hope and you enjoy reading it (:


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