Bout of Books #12 Character Coupling

Bout of Books Day 3! There's so much more to review and read. I've almost reached my goal of books to read for Bout of Books. I've been pretty much reading non stop. I decided that any review I do will count towards my goal of 5 reviews since I'm behind and need to catch up quick before the semester starts. I did catch up with all of my comments so I'm pretty happy about that.

Currently Reading:

Got this in the mail today. I checked and I've had this on my tbr list for almost three years. The summary reminds me a lot of some of my favorite read so I'm sure I'm going to enjoy this book.

Books Read Today:

Not what I was expecting at all. A lot sadder than I thought, slightly predictable, but still a good read. Olive's Ocean is another one that I've been waiting to read for forever

Pages: 217

Total Books Read: 4
Total Reviews Completed: 2

Character Coupling

  1. You must take two characters from two different books and put them together in a relationship. Make sure you list the book and author that the characters comes from.
  2. You must explain why you put them together.
  3. The relationship is up to you (friendship, romantic, parental, etc.), let’s just keep it appropriate, please.
  4. Characters must come from different books and series. Same author is okay with me as long as they aren’t in the same series or a companion series.
  5. Post your couple wherever you are updating your progress. It can be your blog, Twitter, Goodreads, YouTube, etc. You’ll need the link to post in the Rafflecopter for the giveaway.

I know I haven't read Songs for a Teenage Nomad yet but I think Calle and Charlie from A Little Wanting Song would really get along as friends. Calle is afraid to get hurt it seems while Charlie was always really shy about herself and her music. They both love music very much too so I instantly thought of them both being friends and sharing their love of music together.


  1. I've never heard of Songs for a Teenage Nomad or A Little Wanting Song, but they both sound interesting, I'll have to check them out. Thanks for the comment on my blog by the way. Good luck with rest of the Bout of Books!

    1. No problem, they are both very good books. I LOVE Charlie. One of my favorite characters of all time.

  2. I haven't read the books you mentioned but I think you did a great job pairing them up. Thanks so much for participating! And good luck reaching your goals!

  3. Congrats on reading four books! That's awesome.

  4. wow to read this many books, you are great :) and this is a lovely haul

  5. Bonding over the mutual interest and love for music? YES I APPROVE. xD

    1. Haha (: ~ I wish I could bond over music with someone or at least books!

  6. I enjoyed Olive's Ocean and was glad I read it. It was not what I was expecting either. Much sadder than I had thought it would be, but good too. It made me think and was deeper than I thought.

    Good luck getting your reviews done!

    1. Thanks! I'm steadily getting them up there.
      I agree it was much sadder than I expected but in a good way.

  7. I have not heard of these books, but I am really liking the covers. :) That is awesome that you have already read 4 books! I just started number four today.


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