Clean Sweep ARC Challenge - May 2014

Last week I decided to participate in a summer long event which consisted of me challenging myself to read 40 books in 4 months. I am overly thrilled my this event and couldn't be happier about participating... and then I saw this month long challenge over at Kimba's Caffeinated Book Reviewer that I knew I had to participate in too. Here's my thinking process: I have a whole bunch of ARCs that I need to get to, it's only a month long, I have a week left of break, and I can add this on to my other challenge. I see that as an all around win in my book. 

What is the Clean Sweep ARC Challenge? It's a challenge to help motivate you to read and review as many ARCs/finished copies, provided by a publisher or author, as you can in the month of May. Each Saturday there will be two blogs hosting challenges and giveaways at their prospective blogs. There will also be one grand prize winner of a newly released book. This challenge is hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviews and Angela's Anxious Life. You can sign up here.

Since I plan on adding this onto the event I'm already participating in I'll have more ARCs reviewed and read for this challenge than I initially anticipated. I'll be updating this challenge separately every Monday until the last Monday in May. I'll have a wrap up post when it's all over as well. I want to try to read and review at least 7 books for this challenge.

My tbr books for 5/5/14 - 5/12/14:

Note: I read Torn Away yesterday for this challenge. My review will be up Wednesday.


  1. I haven't taken part in a challenge like this before, but it sounds like a good motivator. Good luck! And I'm looking forward to seeing what you thought of Torn Away. I read it myself not too long ago and was really impressed with it.

    1. I'll just say I was really impressed with Torn Away too. I'm kind of going crazy now on the review. We'll see if we have the same views on it (:

      Thanks for the support!

  2. Good luck with this challenge!

  3. Good luck and you picked some awesome books to read!

  4. Yay for joining the challenge! I hope you get all of them read! I'm loving the cover of The Dirt Diary!

    1. I hope so too! I really need to read and review as many ARCs as I can!
      I also love The Dirt Diary cover - very colorful (:

  5. Torn Away! Aahh! :D You lucky duck! Looking forward to seeing what you think!
    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

    1. Well you may be lucky too. I have a giveaway going on right now for Torn Away.

  6. How awesome that you get to do two challenges and they will both help towards the same goal. :) Good for you for finishing Torn! Can't wait to hear your thoughts. Happy reading!

    1. I know right!? I'm glad I found them both and so far they are really motivating me to read more.


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