It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #1

This is the meme I was talking about before where I get to show you what I am currently reading and what I plan to read. It is a weekly meme hosted by Book Journey.

Past Week Reads

Okay For Now by Gary D. Schmidt is about a boy named Doug moving into a new home with an abusive father, a juvenile delinquent brother, and a mother he loves. When things start to go missing everyone turns away from him. This book was hilarious and the fourth book I've read by Schmidt which means he is one of my favorite authors.

I'm Down by Mishna Wolff is a memoir that accounts the authors childhood with a father who thought he was black and being too white for the black kids and too black for the white kids. Another hilarious yet meaningful read.

Book Club Read

So far we are at page 97 of The Night Circus about a mysterious night circus that is there one day and vanishes the next and about a magician's challenge. I'm captivated so far. It's getting close to a particular point that I can't wait to see what happens to the two main characters. There is so much mystery about the circus and I'm wondering when was it created?

Possible Reads For This Week

Stuck On Earth by David Klass is about an alien taking over a fourteen year old's brain to see if the world is worth saving or needs to be destroyed. Klass wrote a favorite of mine called You Don't Know Me so I expect greatness.

The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells is a classic about a scientist who's experiment goes wrong when he was able to turn himself invisible but unable to turn himself back. So far I'm liking it and hope to read the others like it like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Glitch by Heather Anastasiu is about Zoe and the world she lives in where everything is controlled through computer chips but then she starts glitching and she discovers having her own thoughts and feelings and... telekinesis. Got a girl here with powers. Awesomeness.

The Fine Color of Rust by P.A. O'Reilly has the most fantastic cover where a mother of two who lives in Australia campaigns to save the local primary school. I really just got this book because I love the cover but the story is different then what I'm used to. I've also never read a book that had the setting in Australia so that should be interesting.

Reviews Coming Up

Since I've already read this book I decided to put the title of Reviews Coming Up for it. Tall Story is about a boy and a wishing stone. He grows to an abnormal height and everyone in his small village consider him their savior. He is finally able to move to where his mother lives in London with his sister who loves basketball and doesn't understand why her mother is freaking out and saying how tall her brother is every chance she gets. She's about to find out.

What are you reading this week?


  1. OOh I have Night Circus waiting for me on my shelf, heard a lot of good about it!

  2. I need to read The Night Circus, sounds really good.
    Thanks for visiting My It’s Monday!

  3. I also just finished Okay For Now - on audio. I thought it was absolutely amazing - funny but also heartwarming.

    The Night Circus was wonderful. It took me a little while to get into it, but then it really grabbed me.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment. I love the clean look of your blog!


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    1. Okay For Now on audio sounds promising as long as it had a really animated narrator.

      I've been into it since the beginning. The majority of people in my book club think it is weird which I find weird. It's magical! I'm loving it.

      Thanks so much! I just cleaned up my blog so I'm happy for the good feedback (:

  4. Your blog is changed up! Looks great. :) I really want to read Night Circus- so I am glad to hear that you are enjoying it so far! Also- you have lots of great reads coming up. :) Awesome!

    1. Thanks so much! That's great hearing that from you :D
      Night Circus is fantastic. Better than I expected.
      Those are possible reads actually but I might be able to read them all and review them.

  5. Welcome to this meme! I love your blog design :)
    I've been eyeing up Glitch by Heather Anastasiu for awhile so I hope it's as good as I've assumed!
    Have a lovely week!

    1. Thanks so much (:
      I just started Glitch myself and I'm hoping it's good too.

  6. The Invisible Man is a great book! I really need to get to Night Circus since everyone, and I mean everyone, who has read it loved it.

    1. Good. I'm half way through but need to find it somewhere else because I had to give it back to the library ):

      You won't regret getting The Night Circus. At least for as far I've gotten I haven't regretted it!

  7. Just the covers of your reads this week are making me laugh, they sound fab too! The Night Circus is amazing, I hope you thoroughly enjoy it!

    Your blog is lovely, simple and easy to read :)

    Have a great week of reading!

    1. They were both hilarious coincidentally and aren't bad to look at too (;
      Thanks, I love the reassurance for The Night Circus.

      So much good feedback on my new look. Thanks so much (:

      You too!

  8. I didn't mean to delete my comment! It showed up as a duplicate post, so oops!

    I had said that I'm Down looked really funny and that I'd have to add it to read... :)

    Thanks for stopping by!

    1. Haha! That's okay.

      It is really funny and worth the read.

      No problem and likewise.


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